1) Každý úvod do odborného textu by měl obsahovat následující části: obecnější uvedení do tématu, upřesnění zaměření samotného textu, popis postupu a (v tomto případě tomu tak ne vždy musí být) krátké shrnutí výsledků. V textu od Duncana MacDonnella níže označte barevně příslušné pasáže: obecnější uvedení do tématu (červeně), zpřesnění zaměření samotného textu, resp. formulace cíle (žlutě), popis postupu (zeleně), shrnutí výsledků (modře). Ballots and Billions: Clive Palmer’s Personal Catch-all Party What do billionaires do when they can no longer rely on the political party they have been generously supporting? While the obvious reaction might be to find another, for tycoons like Silvio Berlusconi in Italy and Clive Palmer in Australia, the answer has been to create their own. They are not the only ones to have done so. As Darrell West (2014: 93-94) notes, ‘instead of simply influencing public policy from the sidelines, billionaires have sought public office in thirteen countries during the past decade’. These include the likes of Andrej Babiš in the Czech Republic, Frank Stronach in Austria and Bidzina Ivanishvili in Georgia, all of whom have founded their own parties in the last five years. With considerable success too. Babiš, Ivanishvili and Berlusconi all finished up in government after their first general elections, with the latter two leaders becoming prime minister straight away. While Stronach and Palmer did not get into power, both achieved what were arguably the best debut general election results in their respective countries in at least the past twenty years. In this article, we examine Palmer and his eponymous Palmer United Party (PUP) – the newest case in an established democracy of what we might call ‘plutocrat parties’. Founded in April 2013, PUP has been lavishly funded by its creator. According to the party’s official 2013-2014 accounts, around 25 million dollars of its 28 million total spend came from Palmer and his companies, with the remaining amount being electoral reimbursements (AEC 2015). Since there has been no academic study to date of PUP, our aim in this article is threefold and in part exploratory: we will seek to locate the party ideologically; we will analyse it organizationally; and we will consider the implications of PUP’s emergence, success and failures for Australian party politics. We have two guiding hypotheses. Firstly, given that it was created and is led by a billionaire businessman, we would expect PUP to possess a fairly clear neoliberal ideology. Secondly, given that it was founded by a single individual (on whom it is overwhelmingly financially dependent), organisationally we would expect PUP to be what has been termed a ‘personal party’ (McDonnell, 2013). In other words, like Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, it should be very much a leader-focused party, with little grassroots organisation and with strong doubts regarding the party’s future viability in the absence of the leader (Ibid.). To investigate these questions, we rely on original documentary sources such as official party literature (including items not publicly available), PUP’s voting record in parliament, its press releases and television advertisements. We also base our discussion on twenty interviews conducted with PUP Federal and State candidates and several high-level figures between January and March 2015. This sample included interviewees from Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. All spoke on condition of anonymity. As the following sections detail, the picture that emerges from our research is one of a party which is utterly dominated by its leader, which was never built to last and whose ideology cannot be easily classified under any label other than ‘catch-all’. While PUP’s star now seems to be very much in decline, we conclude that its success shows that more professionalised new personal parties in Australia should be able to do well in the future. 2) V semináři jsme se zmínili o tzv. otvírácích, tj. prvních větách celého článku (a tedy I úvodu), které uvádějí celý text a mají upoutat čtenářovu pozornost. V odborných textech (časopiech) dle vašeho výběru najděte pět takových otvíráků, které vás zaujmou (ideálně různého typu). Otvíráky sem nakopírujte a doplňte bibliografických záznamem daného článku.