Urban Communication: Image, Space, and Media Autumn 2020 Wednesday 16:00 PM AVC Lecturer: Tae-Sik Kim, PhD Office Hour: Wed 1:30 – 4:00 PM & Thu 10:30 – 12:00 PM Contact Information: beinkid@mail.muni.cz Office. 5. 50 Ø Course Objectives This course examines communication patterns in the urban environment. A city is an ideal interdisciplinary space where humans, technologies, and cultures interactively form a variety of communicative actions. Grounded in the understanding of the role of urban space as media, this course looks closely at how urban spaces represent (are represented by) everyday communications. This course covers a variety of issues in urban communication, ranging from urban branding to neoliberal exclusion in urban space. Throughout the course, students will discuss how urban spaces connect/disconnect/reconnect people. By reading a variety of research articles assigned in the course and participating in class discussions, students learn to widen their perspectives on urban space, society, and communication and to develop their own research projects focusing on communicative activities in the urban environment. § Comprehend the role of urban space as media. § Develop strategic ways of thinking to improve urban communicative capability. § Review and analyze a variety of research articles on urban communication. § Find important themes and methods of urban research. § Lead insightful discussions. § Develop a research project by applying sociocultural experiences. Ø Syllabus Week 1. Course introduction: Urban Communication: Theories and Practices Week 2. Communication in the City Week 3. Pre-fieldwork Seminar Week 4. No Class Theme 1. Fieldwork Week 5. Online Fieldwork 1. Vietnamese Three Places in the Czech Republic Week 6. Online Fieldwork 2. Urban Landscapes of Chinese Places in South Korea Theme 2. Urban Representation Week 7. Urban Semiotics: Semiotic Landscapes Week 8. Urban Borders – Social Exclusions Week 9. Urban Representation on Media Week 10. Individual Fieldwork: Brno as a Medium (No Class – Individual Project) Theme 3. Branding Cities Week 11. Branding Cities: Neoliberal Cities Week 12 Creating Story Week 13. Class Conference Ø Assessment Methods Attendance (100 – 3 Unexcused Absences will lead to loss of credit) 2 Small Papers (200 x 4 = 400) 1. Position paper on Week 7, 8, & 9 Seminars (Due - 12. December) 2. Position paper on Week 11 & 12 Seminars (Due - 13. January 2020) One Presentation: 100 Group Fieldwork (500, Work with 3 Colleagues, 1 Final Paper) Select 1 Topic from - 1. Mapping Brno: General Theme – Communications in Brno: Create a topical map of Brno by using any location-based application such as Google Map - 2. Branding My Hometown - 3. Cities represented by the Media - Final Report: A research paper-style report: 12-15 Pages. Double Space. Times New Roman 12Pt. Week 2. Urban Communication: Theories and Practices Georgiou, M “Media and the city: Making sense of place” International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 6.3 (2010) Crang, Mike. ’Cyberspace as the new public domain.’, in Urban diversity : space, culture and inclusive pluralism in cities worldwide. (2010) Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press ; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, pp. 99-122. Week 3. Communication in the City M. De Certeau Walking in the City in The Practice of Everyday Life. Makagon, Daniel, Sloths in the streets: Loitering and public life Week 7. Urban Semiotics Pauwels, L. (2016). Visually researching and communicating the city: a systematic assessment of methods and resources. International journal of communication.--, 10, 1309-1330. Kim, Tae-Sik. "Three faces of Chinese modernity: nationalism, globalization, and science." Social Semiotics 21.5 (2011): 683-697. Papen, U. (2015). Signs in cities: the discursive production and commodification of urban spaces. Sociolinguistic Studies, 9(1), 1. Week 8. Urban Borders Howell, Ocean. "Skatepark as Neoliberal Playground Urban Governance, Recreation Space, and the Cultivation of Personal Responsibility." Space and culture 11.4 (2008): 475-496. Smith, Michael Peter. "Transnational urbanism revisited." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31.2 (2005): 235-244. Week 9. Urban Representation on Media Sadler, W. J., & Haskins, E. V. (2005). Metonymy and the metropolis: Television show settings and the image of New York City. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 29(3), 195-216. Greenberg, M. (2000). Branding cities: A social history of the urban lifestyle magazine. Urban affairs review, 36(2), 228-263. Schwartz, R., & Halegoua, G. R. (2015). The spatial self: Location-based identity performance on social media. New media & society, 17(10), 1643-1660. Week 11. City Branding Kavaratzis, Mihalis, and Gregory J. Ashworth. "City branding: an effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick?." Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 96.5 (2005): 506-514. Kokosalakis, Christina, et al. "Place image and urban regeneration in Liverpool." International Journal of Consumer Studies 30.4 (2006): 389-397. Joo, Y. M., & Seo, B. (2017). Transformative city branding for policy change: The case of Seoul’s participatory branding. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2399654417707526. Week 12. Urban Storytelling Morris, B. (2010). Shibuya Un / Wrapping: Place, Media, and Punctualization. Space and Culture , 13 (3): 285-303. Davis, D. (2011). Intergenerational digital storytelling: a sustainable community initiative with inner-city residents. Visual Communication, 10(4), 527-540. Makagon, D., & Gould, MR (2016). Learning the City Through Stories: Audio Documentary as Urban Communication Teachers. International Journal of Communication , 10 , 1263-1276