Course (tle: ZURn6605 New Media and Smart/AI Services Lecturer: Katalin Fehér Ph.D. with habilita6on Course objec+ves Smart environments and AI-based services are shaping the new media trends. This course provides a project-based introduc6on into the contemporary digital media. Students will understand the engines of digital transforma6on via emerging technologies and their social-cultural adapta6ons. The ul6mate goal is to prepare the par6cipants for their future jobs on media, journalism, marke6ng or PR as upcoming trends. Outcomes from learning Students will be able to: • understand digital transforma6on • analyse the emerging digital technologies in social-cultural context • plan new media-based produc6ons by smart and AI technologies • develop the cri6cal approaches on contemporary new media Syllabus / themes 1. Introduc6on 2. History and theories of new media 3. Trends in new media 4. Project work: new media services 5. Project presenta6on: new media produc6on 6. Smart environments and society 7. Project work: smart media services 8. Project presenta6on: smart media produc6on 9. AI technology and culture 10. Project work: AI-based media services 11. Project presenta6on: AI-based media produc6on 12. Summary and feedback Teaching methods lecture and seminar Schedule and venue Monday (7x) : 26/10, 2/11, 9/11, 23/11, 30/11, 7/12, 14/12 Time 12,30-15,00 Please note, the course is available online only Assessment methods • Project presenta6on: new media produc6on - 30% • Project presenta6on: smart media produc6on - 30% • Project presenta6on: AI-based media produc6on - 40% The assessment methods expect team works. Sources Couldry, N. & Hepp, A. (2017) The mediated construc6on of reality. Polity: Cambridge Feher, K. (2019) The Zoom Interference Model of New Media. A Metaphor-Based Dynamic Approach in the Jungle of Concepts. Media6za6on Studies, Vol. 3. 7-20. doi: 10.17951/ ms.2019.3.7-20 Accentrue Interac6ve: Fjord Trends. Link: hcps:// Gehl, L. W. & Bakardijeva, M. (2017, eds.) Socialbots and Their Friends: Digital Media and the Automa6on of Sociality. NY & London: Routledge. Kaneko, H. et al. (2020) AI-Driven Smart Produc6on." SMPTE Motion Imag. J. 129 2. 27-35. doi: 10.5594/ JMI.2019.2959173 LaunchMetrics (2018) The State of Influencer Marke6ng. E-book. Available at hcps://s3-eu-west- Hepp, A. Deep Mediatization: Key Ideas in Media & Cultural Studies. Routledge, 2019. Jannick, K. et al. Privacy Policies Caught Between the Legal and the Ethical: European Media and Third Party Trackers Before and After GDPR. Hilde and Kosta, Sokol, Privacy Policies Caught Between the Legal and the Ethical: European Media and Third Party Trackers Before and Aker GDPR. July 26, 2019. Klinger, U. & Svensson, J. (2018). The end of media logics? On algorithms and agency. New Media & Soc, vol. 20. no. 12, pp. 4653-4670. doi: 10.1177/1461444818779750 Nechustai, E. & Lewis, S. C. (2019) What kind of news gatekeepers do we want machines to be? Filter bubbles, fragmenta6on, and the norma6ve dimensions of algorithmic recommenda6ons. Computers in Human Behaviour, 90. 298-307. Rowles, D. (2017) Mobile Marke6ng. 2nd Ed. London, NY, ND: Kogan Page Ruotsalainen, J. (2018) Scanning the shape of journalism—Emerging trends, changing culture? Futures 104. 14-24. Zuboff, S. (2019) The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Fron6er of Power. PublicAffairs: London. +Current trend reports about new media by Gartner, Pew Research etc.