Jazykový test Dialang

How to proceed

1. Take the test here:

2. First, select English as the language of your test. There are five parts, of which you need to take ONLY the first three, i.e. listening, writing, reading.

3. Start with the placement test for the system to be able to select the appropriate level for you.

4. Next, you will be given a self-assessment questionnaire, in which you are asked to make judgements about your abilities in the language and the skill which you have chosen to take a test in.

5. Take listening, writing and reading tests in whatever order you prefer. 

6. You will find your level after completing each individual test.  

7. Take a screenshot  of each of these three tests and paste them all into this vault (“odevzdávárna”) here: 

NOTE: In case of any technical problems, please contact Mr. Marek Stehlík, the ICT specialist: carduel@mail.muni.cz