EU Law and European System of Human Rights Protection

1. Introductory Session - 15 September 2021

Introduction of the course, covering its contents and requirements.

Specification of deadlines and other important dates.

Recommendations for study materials.

First reflections on the issue of human rights in general.

Q & A.

!! There is no position paper for this seminar.


To get started:

  • DUNNE, Tim – HANSON, Marianne (2009). “Human Rights in International Relations”. In: GOODHART, Michael (ed.). Human Rights. Politics & Practice. Oxford: Oxford UP, pp. 61–74. (14 pages)
  • DONNELLY Jack (2013). Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice. 3rd ed., Ithaca: Cornell UP. Ch. 1 and 2 (pp. 7–39). (33 pages)

Total: 47 pages.