IREb1007 International Security

Week 11 - MH - Cyber-security in IR 23. 11. 2021

Due to the lockdown in Austria (where I reside), our session today will not be held. The ppt presentation, planned for today, is found in the bottom of this page. 

As the second quiz will take place on Friday (online), please carefully read the presentation and drop me a line if you have any questions.

Midterm on November 26 (online- ROPOT). Topics include weeks 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (literature + lectures).

Today we will discuss:

- Terrorism 

- Cybersecurity. 

In preparation for the session, please read the Estonia 2007 fact sheet and think of answers to the following questions (be ready to discuss them during the session):

  1. Do the events described constitute a prohibited use of force/armed attack by Russia? (think of at least one supportive argument and one counter argument)

  2. How should the Estonian government respond to the events (short + long term)?

  3. Estonia is a NATO member state. Should the events trigger the collective defense

    arrangement under Article 51? If so, what measures should be taken?

Mandatory Reading

Collins, A. (2019). Contemporary security studies. Oxford university press, Chapter 27 (Cyber Security).

Further Reading

Edelman, R. D. (2013). Cyberattacks in international relations [PhD thesis]. Oxford University, UK.
Valeriano, B., & Maness, R. C. (2018). The Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory, Chapter 20: International Relations Theory and Cyber Security
Choucri, N., Madnick, S., & Ferwerda, J. (2014). Institutions for cyber security: International responses and global imperatives. Information Technology for Development20(2), 96-121.

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