Research Methods and Tools

12. More about data: Working with a quantitative data file. 6. 12. 2021

This class is going to take place as usual, in the classroom. Don't forget your laptops (at least one laptop for two students to share). It is possible, that Jamovi (the statistical software) will work on your tablet as well. If it does, you can bring your tablet instead of a laptop. If the university traffic light system turns red, then the class will take place online, in the MS Teams main channel. 

Required reading:

Review the article about a new dataset (the one you found and downloaded last week). If you changed your mind and want to work with a different article about data, that's fine too. Download the data file the article refers to. Ideally in the .sav format, one of the formats readable by MS Excel, or these are not available, then any other format that's offered by the authors. Find a continuous variable in your dataset that you find substantively interesting. Look up - either in the article or in the codebook to the dataset - what the scale of the variable means (what the range is, what low and high values mean substantively).

Download the following software and try to open it on your computer/tablet (to see it works): 

Skim the following article and pay special attention to the conceptualization and operationalization of the dependent variable. Also, download the replication file to this article (you will find the link to the data at the end of the article).

Kahn-Nisser S. For better or worse: Shaming, faming, and human rights abuse. Journal of Peace Research. 2021;58(3):479-493. doi:10.1177/0022343320905346

There is no reading quiz this week.


Do the homework before this week's class. Insert your answers in the ROPOT application (the link is below) and also bring your answers to the class.

As a homework assignment this week, answer the questions in the following document:

When uploading the data to Jamovi... if you can't find your data file, try to change the type of files Jamovi is looking for. Change it from "data files" to the type of file in which your data are saved. You may also use the browse button (it appears after hit "open").
