Radical approach to renewable energy: The German Energiewende (Matěj Hrubý) 16. 11. 2021
Main topic: The German
Context: A rapid
decarbonization of a modern, industrial economy
Outline: Energiewende
harbors a compelling socio-technical experiment based on policy
driven-structural changes to the energy system. As a result, society should be
based exclusively on renewable energy (not only in the power sector but also in
all economic sectors). In the lecture, we will discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of Energiewende, what can be expected in the following years and,
how it affects other countries.
Sources: Hake, J. F. et al., describes the historical development of Germany energy policy. In the Redefining energy podcast, Patrick Graichen answers current questions related to Energiewende, including an introduction to the expected changes. The website of the Fraunhofer Institute provides a better picture of the existing transformation and the current state of the German energy system. Special attention deserves the change of the portfolio of production resources associated with the development of renewable energy sources (links Power and Energy).
Think about: You are an unconstrained ruler of a country very similar to Germany… Would you follow Energiewende? Would you do anything differently? Why?