Rise of Asia


1.                Course Requirements and Assessment (with estimated workloads)




Workload (average)

Weight in Final Grade

Evaluated Student Learning Outcomes

Research paper


(Obligatory), students without the research paper will not be able to write the final test.


30 %

Ability to research and write a methodologically sound and theoretically grounded larger paper (or develop a project), using primary and secondary sources, based on a well formulated research question.



30 %


Final examination (Obligatory)


40 %

Demonstrate an understanding of the key events in the Far East Asia.



100 %



2.                Detailed description of the assignments


Midterm During the week of session 3-4

Weight in Final Grade (Total of 30%)

Midterm will be form of multiple choice and short answers.  More information will be provided in class and by mail during the Session 3.


 Final test

Weight in Final Grade (Total 40%)

The FINAL test will be in form of essay question focused on the problems presented in the assigned readings and/or discussed in the lectures and seminars. Further information will be given during the lectures.

During the exam period (January 2021 – February 2021) you can retake the final test according to the Study and Examination Rules of the Masaryk University (https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/official-notice-board/mu-study-and-examination-regulations).


Research paper            

Weight in Final Grade (Total of 30%)

Research Paper Due during the examination period. The students may choose their own topic, after a consultation with the instructor. More detailed information about the research paper will be provided by the instructor during lectures.   The essay must include research question, the length is minimum 2 000 – 2 500 words (not counting bibliography). The format of the paper should be standard academic article. The Submission of the essay is through IS.MUNI system. Number of sources = number of pages (at least 10). Sources: At least 1 book, At least 2 academic articles, 1 primary source and others