Transitional Justice and Democratization

1. Introduction into transitional justice research

Terminology - relationship between TJ and 1989 revolutions - Antic roots of transitional justice. Actors - domestic and international. Forms of TJ – restorative and retributive mechanisms.


Reading list:

·        Teitel, Ruti (2005-6): Transitional Justice. Postwar Legacies.  Cardozo Law Review 27 Cardozo L. Rev. (2005-2006) , pp. 1615-1632.

·        Elster, Jon (1998): Coming to Terms with the Past. European Journal of Sociology, 39 (1998), pp.7-48.


Additional Readings:

·        Aukerman, Miriam (2002): Extraordinary Evil, Ordinary Crimes: A Framework for Understanding Transitional Justice. Harvard Human Rights Journal 39 (2002), pp. 39-97.

·        Teitel, Ruti (2005): The Law and Politics of Contemporary Transitional Justice. Cornell International Law Journal, Vol. 38, Issue 3 (2005), pp. 837-862


Pages: 69