10/20: The United States - Chinese trade and technological rivalry
Assigned reading:
· LIM,
Darren J. a Andrew B. KENNEDY,. The innovation imperative: technology and
US–China rivalry in the twenty-first century. International Affairs.
2018, 94(3), 553–572. ISSN 1468-2346. Accessible at:
Aaditya a Robert W. STAIGER. Trade Wars: What do they mean? Why are they
happening now? What are the costs? Policy Research Working Paper.
Washington, DC.: World Bank, 2019, 8829, 21 pages
Saif M. a Carrick FLYNN. Maintaining China's Dependence on Democracies for
Advanced Computer Chips. In: Center for Security and Emerging Technology
[online]. Washington, DC., 2020 [cit. 2020-12-21]., 16 pages, Accessible
at: https://cset.georgetown.edu/research/maintaining-chinas-dependence-on-democracies-for-advanced-computer-chips/