The Politics of Decision-making: American Presidents, Israeli Prime Ministers, and crisis 2

Week 1

Welcome! So happy to teach this course again for a new term, though strange circumstances that we find ourselves in. 

Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and overview. Then answer the question in the forum. 

There is a forum question. Answer my question. Answer a question/respond to one of your classmates.

MVZn5009 Course Overview
All relevant information for this course during the term. Read prior to our first lecture
Your instructor_Dr. Aaron Walter
Oh, how we can look different in six years! My student ID photo as my avatar profile picture and this is me now HAHA. Looking forward to seeing all of you in virtual class. Best, Dr. Walter
Chyba: Diskuse se zadaným uzlem neexistuje. ID uzlu je 105356187.