Antropologie a technologie/Úvod do STS

Utopie a Dystopie_ Společnosti budoucnosti, Nesmrtelnost

Povinná literatura

TUTTON R (2017) Multiplanetary Imaginaries and Utopia: The Case of Mars One. In Science, Technology and Human Values, 43 (3), 518-539.

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Napište krátkou (1-2 strany) reflexi textu od Richarda Tuttona "Multiplanetary Imaginaries and Utopia: The Case of Mars One". Tuto krátkou reflexi odevzdejte do ISu do příslušné složky do 7. prosince.

Doplňující literatura

HARAWAY, D (1990) "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century." In Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge, pp. 149–82. ISBN: 9780415903875.

Valentine, David, Valerie A. Olson, et al. "Encountering the Future: Anthropology and Outer Space." Anthropology News 50, no. 9 (2009): 11–15.

BATTAGLIA, D (2012) "Coming in at an Unusual Angle: Exo-Surprise and the Fieldworking Cosmonaut." Anthropological Quarterly 85, no. 4: 1089–106.

MAHANA E (2015) „Hacking the Humanities, New York, July 7.

De GREY_ Aging, not aging, TED talk: