Antropologie a technologie/Úvod do STS

Politika, technologie a moc

Produkce vědění, post-faktická společnost, post-pravdivá pravda a technologie

Povinná literatura

PETRYNA, A (2004). "Biological Citizenship: The Science and Politics of Chernobyl-Exposed Populations." Osiris 2nd Series 19, 250–65.

PETRYNA Biological Citizenship The Science and Politics of Chernobyl Exp 2004
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Doplňující literatura

BECK, U (1999) Risk Society revisited: Theory, politics, critiques, and research programmes.  In World Risk Society.  Cambridge: Polity Press.  pp. 133-152.

LEMKE T (2018) An Alternative Model of Politics? Prospects and Problems of Jane Bennett’s Vital Materialism Article in Theory Culture & Society.

RETRO R (2014) "Nuclear Power's Promise and Peril," New York Times, April 29.

CASTEL, R (1991) From dangerousness to risk.  In The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, ed. G. Burchell, C. Gordon, and P. Miller.  pp. 281-298.

JASANOFF, S (1999) The Songlines of risk.  Environmental Values 8: 135-152.

LAKOFF, A (2007)  Preparing for the next emergency.  Public Culture (Special Issue: The Social Life of Risk) 19: 247-271.