Intro/Úvod do kurzu_ Antropocén, sítě a symbiotické vztahy (Eva Šlesingerová)
Povinná literatura:
KIRKSEY, Eben (2019) Queer Love, Gender Bending Bacteria, and Life after the Anthropocene, In Theory, Culture & Society, 36(6) 197–219. dostupné přes MU e-zdroje:
SWANSON, HA a PÁLSSON, Gísli (2016) Down to Earth/ Geosocialities and Geopolitics. In Environmental Humanities, DOI: 10.1215/22011919-3664202.
Doplňující literatura:
KIRKSEY, E a HELMREICH, S (2010) The Emergence of Multispecies Etnography. Cultural Anthropology 25(4):545-575.
KAC, E (ed) (2007) Signs of Life. Massachusets Institute of Technology, str: 1-28.
PÁLSSON, G (2013) “Ensembles of biosocial relations”. In: Biosocial Becomings. Integrating Social and Biological Anthropology. Pálsson Gísli a Ingold Tim (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 22-41
RABINOW, P (1996) “Artificiality and Enlightenment: From Sociobiology to Biosociality”. In: Anthropologies of Modernity. Foucault, Governmentality and Life Sciences. Ed. by Jonathan Xavier Inda. Oxford:Blackwell, p.181-193.
RABINOW, P (1994) The Third Culture, In History of Human Sciences, 7(2), 53-64.