LENKA ZEMANOVÁ In response to the growing popularity of aesthetic medicine, the work examines factors related to the use of the Instagram. These factors potentially affect the desire to undergo aesthetic surgery among young girls and women. The research also focused on the possibility of moderating media influence through critical thinking. Critical thinking has been examined in the context of Instagram's non-commercial, appearance-related content. The results contribute to the understanding of the growing tendency of women's motivations for cosmetic surgery and at the same time warn against one of the effects of media exposure. The data were collected from girls aged 15 to 30 through quantitative research, which was distributed through social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. A sample of 408 respondents took part in the research. The work also offers an adaptation of the globally widespread and recognized ACSS scale to the Czech population, where it seems like a suitable measuring tool. Based on the results the factors related to the use of Instagram play a role in the question about attitudes towards cosmetic surgery. Surprisingly in our model the body dissatisfaction does not appear to be one of the motivating factors. VIKTORIJA KUDYN Multiple pieces of research confirmed that social media plays a big role in women’s perception of beauty and themselves. But digital media are mainly connected with negative connotations in regards to its impact on the self-confidence of women. This is especially emphasized with eating disorders, which are, according to latest publications, frequently triggered by online activity, of both creating and consuming character. Positive impact of tackling, or even curing an eating disorder is generally neglected. This paper thus explores ways in which social media can be beneficial in women's ED journey. Material is gathered via in-depth interviews with ED survivors and patients and then implemented as part of a communication strategy on Instagram profile @jsme3pe. DAVID STINGL This work was created endeavoring to shine the light on fluid dynamics not only for the vehicle owners, to make them better understand the importance of choosing an aerodynamically-correct vehicle, but primarily the industrial-art fields such as automotive and overall transportation design where not enough focus to aerodynamics is given despite its critical importance. Fluid dynamics, id est aerodynamics, has a grand importance in many aspects. The aerodynamics of a vehicle may critically affect the safety of the driver, passengers, and the vehicle’s vicinity and it does affect the globe by affecting the emissions and fuel consumption/miles range of a vehicle and hereby affect the Omnis-Terra ecologically and economically. As mentioned above, not enough focus to aerodynamics is given in the industrial-art fields, if any at all, which results in designers and architects who graduate with a bachelor’s degree without basic understanding of aerodynamics which has already brought tragical results. The goal of this work is to encourage artists and potential vehicle owners to give a closer attention to aerodynamics in order to achieve a safer, more efficient, and more eco-friendly society. This work is primarily based on my own research, knowledge, and my own past works and projects in the automotive industry. ANDREA HOLESZOVÁ The murder, abuse, torture, harm or even rape of female characters with the sole purpose of motivating a male character to avenge her is too often used tactic in movies and other fiction formats. This common trope is called „women in refrigerators“ after a specific Green Lantern comic book story, where the hero’s girlfriend gets murdered and stuffed inside his refrigerator. Researcher Gail Simone created a website featuring an extensive list of similar incidents to drive attention to how often are female characters used as little more than plot devices to kickstart a protagonist’s story. Though the content analysis of more than 20 movies and tv shows this presentation explains how is the concept of „fridging“ interwoven into today’s fictional narratives and calls into question the usage of this trope in tv and cinema. HINDREK PÄRG If it bleeds, it leads, but what is the ’bleeding’? The audience often perceives the ’bleeding’ as negativity mediated through several different news values. News values are often studied and evaluated based on the published texts. This study stems from the theoretical standpoints of news values, framing, and agenda-setting and uses triangulation of qualitative methods. First, we analysed news texts of 10 tabloid newspapers in US and Europe to ascertain the negative news values that constitute the ’bleeding’. Second, we conducted observations of newsroom meetings at the Estonian tabloid Õhtuleht. Third, we used textual analysis on published news (N=487) to compare the news values discussed at the meeting and news values present in the outcome. The preliminary analysis of the gathered data enables us to conclude that ’bleeding’ constitutes several different news values that separately may not occur as negative. The comparison of newsroom meeting discussions and published texts shows that news values' configuration changes in the actual writing process. We argue that the actual news-writing process that separates the meeting and the publishing influences the news values of the story. Although news values have been considered essential determinants in the news selection process in previous studies, they change in the news construction process regardless of the event or topic covered. LISA-SOPHIE MORAVCIK Technological advancements have altered the area of marketing and moved marketers' focus to a new direction — social media. Instagram, the most popular app, has over 700 million users and provides a massive platform of prospective customers. This paper focuses on the most vital elements of digital marketing, such as identifying the correct target audience, and examines how businesses may generate successful content to interact with their audiences more effectively. With the provided step-by-step instructions, social media managers may generate posts that will aid in the growth of reach and profit. ELIŠKA NOVÁKOVÁ Even though many journalists call sports journalism a toy department, its popularity is unquestionable. But according to prior researches, the language of sports journalism differs from the language used in other journalism fields. How does tabloids, popular and serious press operate with the language of sports journalism? How often do they use lexical expressivness in order to catch their readers' attention? These are the main questions this research deals with. The theoretical part consists of the taxonomy of lexical expresiveness based on the compilation of professional literature. In the practical part, this taxonomy serves as the foundation for the lexical analysis of 15 hypothetical texts made up of sport news articles, which focuses on the presence of lexical expressivity and its evaluation. Results of this research show that the effort to interest its readers is mostly visible in the tabloids, but also that this phenomen is visible in the serious press very often too. Those facts might be a serious problem while fulfilling one of the main goals of journalism - the objectivity. SEBASTIAN HELGESEN BJONNESS The American political climate is more hostile than ever. After the election of Donald Trump in 2016, it took a new it to a new level. This study will look at how big the difference between Donald Trump and his political colleagues in the U.S on policy. The study will not consider rhetorical differences. Our analyzes using the following tools, political compass test, Chapel Hill Expert Survey, Manifesto Project Database, Comparative Candidate Survey and Comparative Study of Party Leaders. Our results show that the policies of Donald Trump are almost identical with former presidents and current elected officials on the federal level from the Republican party on every issue. Compared with former presidents and current elected officials on the national level from the Democratic party is the most significant difference on social policy with ideological differences, but its still some similarity. When it comes to economic and foreign policy, the ideological difference is minimal. Its only difference of degree In conclusion, the reason that the Trump presidency is viewed as very different from the former presidency comes from author reason than policy. In my opinion, this impression from rhetorical, personal and more media partisanship than before.