Politics & Security of Serbia BALKAN POLITICS VĚRA STOJAROVÁ STOJAROVA@FSS.MUNI.CZ History of Serbia u1878-1918 Kingdom of Serbia u1918-41 SHS u1928 Kingdom of Yugoslavia uWWII u1945- 1992 Federal unit of Yugoslavia u1992 – 2006 together with Montenegro Federal Republic of Yugoslavia u2006 republic of Serbia uSrbija do Tokia uSerbia is like a Nokia, its getting smaller and smaller https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Joe_Biden_on_a_tour_of_the_Decani_Monastery_200 9.jpg Federal Republic of Yugoslavia u1992 -2006 u2006 Belgrade agrement – Serbia and Montenegro uKosovo, Vojvodina? u https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e6/Scg02.png/800px-Scg02.png Serbia in wars uSlovenia uCroatia u BiH uKosovo uPreševo, Medvedja Bujanovac uprising https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/211/953/b6c.png Serbian paramilitaries uArkanovi tigrovi uŠešelj White Eagles uCaptain Dragan uVuk Drašković and chetnics Dříve loupil a vraždil na Západě, pak byl zločincem jugoslávské války - iDNES.cz Vuk Drašković – Wikipedie https://www.euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/03/Chetnik-800x450.jpg Football hooligans uRecruited by Arkan uCrvena zvezda- Delije uPlayed important role in 2000 toppling of Milosevic uAgainst pride marches uWorking relationship with government uKill, kill kill the Albanians u2014 drone with Albanian flag of greater albania uNož, žica, srebrenica u https://balkaninsight.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/h_01083040-1-1280x853.jpg Slobodan Milošević uHigh ranking communist uLeader of Socialist party of Serbia uPresident of Serbia 1989-1997 uPresident of federal republic of yugoslavia 1997-2000 uCommunism to nationalism uAuthoritarian rule, police brutality uGuilty for the wars uMeetings with Tudjman to divide BiH uICTY, ICJ, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide ucalled for political change to reduce the autonomy, protect minority Serb rights, and initiate a strong crackdown on separatism in Kosovo. uExtradited to ICTY in 2001 u2006 found dead in the cell Milosevic Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock 5 October 2000 overthrow of Milošević (Buldozzer revolution) u25 August execution of former mentor and political ally Ivan Stambolic – competitor, initiated by Milosevic? uOTPOR uGOTOV JE uUS funded opposition campaign for the elections u24 September 2000 elections uAccusation of electoral fraud, discreppancies uProtests, no police crackdown uDue to the pressure milosevic resigned u u u Milosevic Today in History: The Bulldozer Revolution, 10/5/2000 | by Naho Abe | The Foundational | Medium The Bulldozer Revolution: When the Serbians Ousted Milošević Presidents of Serbia u2006-2012 Boris Tadic DS u2012 Slavica Dejanovic SPS u2012 -2017 Tomislav Nikolic SNS u2017-2022 Alexandar Vucic SNS u u u u uDirectly elected, 5 years, 2 round system, max 2 turns u Boris Tadić Aleksandar Vučić Tomislav Nikolić Slavica Đukić Dejanović Aleksandar Vucic uMinister of Information under Milosevic uSRS (Serbian Radical Party, SRS) uSerbian Progressive Party (Srpska Napredna Stranka, SNS) – no longer supports greater Serbian ideology uConservative, chameleonic, populist uIlliberal democratic régime uFrequently in popular tv shows u Aleksandar Vučić aleksandar vucic Serbian cartoons expose political manipulation about COVID-19 vaccines from China and/or Russia · Global Voices Prime ministers of Serbia u2006- 2008 Vojislav Koštunica DSS u2008-12 Mirko Cvetkovic grand coalition under DS u2012-14 Ivica Dacic SPS u2014- 2017 Alexandar Vucic u2017 Ivica Dacic SPS u2017 Ana Brnabic Ana Brnabić Ana Brnabic uFemale uOpenly LGBT head goverment u head of government with extensive political dependence on a leader of the governing party uPuppet of Vucic Ana Brnabić Political parties in Serbia uSNS uFragmented opposition (far right, liberal, green, socialist) u u u National Assembly of Serbia has 250 members elected for a four-year term. A party must receive at least 3% of the votes in the entire country to qualify for any seats, except for national minorities' parties, who only have to reach 0.4%. Serbian Progressive Party SNS uSplit from SRS in 2008 uNational conservative, populist u u Far right politics in Serbia uObraz uDveri uLeviathan uSerbian Party Oathkeepers uParty of Serbian unity uSerbian right uSerbian Radical party u Balkan States Failing to Address Threat from Far-Right Extremism | Balkan Insight Obraz (organization) - Wikipedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e4/Obradovic_obraz.jpg/220px-Obradovic_obraz .jpg Serbian radical party Vojislav Šešelj uadvocating Greater Serbia – Vojislav Šešelj uDuring the 1990s supported the Socialist Party uMost successfull far right party in Europe along with fPO uEurosceptic, russophilic, anti-western, traditionalist, far right, nationalism uŠešejl voluntarily surrended to ICTY uAfter almost 12 years temporarily released for health reasons, final decision guilty for crimes against humanity, got 10 years which he had already spent uWhite Eagles paramilitaries –Šešejlovci uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilOSN4nBB7M uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uZPIDGzTkQ u What do you think about Vojislav Šešelj? - Quora Dr Vojislav Seselj Far right organisations - ties to the regime uBlood & Honour uCombat 18 uI live for Serbia uNacionalni stroj uNational Serb Front uNomokanon uObraz uPeople's Patrol uRasonalisti uSNP 1389 uSNP Naši uSerbian Action uSerbian Honour uSveti Justin Filozof Serbian far right and the world uAnders Breivik – 2011 uBrenton Harrison Tarrant - Christchurch attack on mosques 2019 uInspirations from Christchurch: (2019 mass shooting at a Walmart in Texas , 2019 opened fire at a mosque in Bærum Norway, 2021 arrest of Protestant Indian youth in Singapore plotting to attack Mosques at the anniversary of Christchurch attack) uSerb nationalists enjoy cult status among many far-right groups in Europe where they are admired for their militancy, extreme Islamophobia and – most importantly – for having put words into action in the 1990s, when Serb nationalist paramilitaries killed thousands of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. uAFD, NPD Kosovo ist ein Mekka für Kriegsverbrecher, Clans und Islamisten! - Jens Kestner - AfD-Fraktion - YouTube Paris- Berlin-Belgrade- Moscow uBelgrade as a bridge between east and west uIdentitarian movement uGreat replacement theory, white genocide, day x, narratives focus on white race not on particular nation uNew right in the old packaging – far right without hackenkreuz uThe far right shares information across borders, knowhow, resources, finances and means to network. u„Bosnian Serbs and Croats “could support each other in these efforts to get rid of the Sarajevo influence and Islamism.” uNPD vice-president Thorsten Heise, a prominent German neo-Nazi, “If we bring together European comrades who didn’t speak to each other before, we have laid the foundations for future networking.” uGötz Kubitschek – 2017 presentation at Matica Srpska uParadox: - although United in Deutschland - Formation of paramilitary units on both sides of the conflict in Ukraine (Azov/Russian Imperial Movement) u u u Brisbane's Holland Park mosque vandalised with swastika, accused Christchurch shooter's name on walls - ABC News East European Organisations as Sources of Inspiration for various attacks u In Breivik’s own words: “the so-called Bosniaks and Albanians had waged deliberate demographic warfare (indirect genocide) against Serbs for decades. This type of warfare is one of the most destructive forms of Jihad and is quite similar to what we are experiencing now in Western Europe.”[2] uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHMValDKMT4 Remove kebab uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gknTJKgQqW4 serbia is strong u Brisbane's Holland Park mosque vandalised with swastika, accused Christchurch shooter's name on walls - ABC News Oppositional political parties uSocialist Party of Serbia uFragmented spectrum, marginal political parties uhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Serbia Serbia´s foreign relations uEU uNot NATO uRussia uChina uTurkey u Ukraine uVucic as stability usupporting the UN resolutions condemning Russia´s actions, nonetheless refused to join sanctions against Russia uChetnics in Ukraine https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a0/Chetnik_fighters%2C_Ukraine_2014.jpg Adobe Systems Russia in the Balkans ̶BiH, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro ̶Soft power ̶Orthodox church, Big Slavic brother - history ̶Economic influence, Gas ̶Military Cooperation with Serbia ̶Far right with direct ties to Russia ̶Foreign fighters in Ukraine ̶Pro-Russian demonstrations in Serbia ̶Kosovo – justification for Crimea anexation ̶Montenegrin failed coup 2016 ̶Disinformation campaign about war in Ukraine- selling own version – Ukraine genocide in Eastern Ukraine, denazifikation of Ukraine ̶ ̶ ̶ Kosovo uRecogniton of Kosovo – political suicide for any politician uRedrawing of borders and formal recognition so both countries can go on the path towards the EU u Kosovo Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock Kosovo Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock https://balkaninsight.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/slika-12-generalstab.jpg Other sources uhttps://recentglobe.uni-leipzig.de/zentrum/detailansicht/artikel/blog-from-norway-to-new-zealand-h ow-a-serbian-internet-meme-inspired-radical-right-terrorists-wor