6. Court of Justice and Human Rights – Expanding the Scope - 17 October 2021
Expanding the scope of human rights in CJ’s case law.
Recent case law and ways forward.
- von BOGDANDY Armin et al. (2012). “Reverse Solange – Protecting the essence of fundamental rights against EU Member States.” Common Market Law Review, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 489-520. (32 pages)
- Excerpts from ECJ judgments: Cinetheque, Familiapress, Grogan, Vajnai, Wachauf and Opinion of AG Jacobs in Konstantinidis (28 pages)
Total: 60 pages.
von Bogdandy et al.
Why is the defence of the Union's values largely left national and other international institutions?
To which situation the authors point to?
What is Solange?
What the authors propose (reverse Solange)?
How and why the authors want to engage the cnocept of the EU citizenship?
When do EU fundamental rights apply?
What do we understand under the term the "scope of the EU law"?