10. Can EU Stay Backsliding Populists? - 14 November 2022
Interaction between EU free movement law and fundamental rights of EU citizens. The ranking of fundamental rights, the impact of the EU Charter on the balancing approach of the ECJ through the application of the proportionality test.
The role of the EU legislator seeking to reconcile conflicting economic freedoms and fundamental rights by issuing harmonization measures.
- de VRIES Sybe A. "The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe's Internal Market". In: de VRIES Sybe A.et al (eds, 2013). The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 59-94. (36 pages)
- CRAIG, Paul – DE BÚRCA (2020). EU Law, ch. 12 (50 pages)
Total: 86 pages.