Energy Politics

Just transition: the future of the coal regions (Filip Černoch) 8. 11. 2022

Main topic: The shift away from coal, illustrated by the example of Poland

Overarching theme: Can and should the energy transition be fair? 

Outline: We start with a description of the situation in Poland, a country that is dependent on coal and for which its reduction is an economic, technical, and socio-cultural problem. This will be followed by a more general discussion of how the costs and benefits of energy transition should be distributed and whether the interests of fossil fuel producers should be taken into account in addressing climate issues. 

Sources: The debate between coal divestment advocates and the coal miners themselves is well illustrated in this video. The socio-cultural aspects of coal in Poland are then discussed by Kuchler and Bridge. 

Think about: In the context of fossil fuel divestment, how should we view the companies that operate in this sector? And their employees? Is it fair to compensate them with public money? Is it fair not to compensate them when their business is being wiped out by a political decision?