Energy Politics

Before 1945: The role of energy in shaping the western society (Jan Osička) 13. 9. 2022

Main topic: How has energy abundance contributed to the formation of our civilization?

Overarching theme: Rise and fall of complex societies.

Outline: What are our energy needs? How did they develop over time? What defines our contemporary "energy-intensive societies"?

Sources: First, get some context. Check this short video from the Crash Course World History on humans and energy. Then you can dive directly into the main topic. This text by Taylor and Tainter could be your gateway into the fascinating topic of how societies grow more complex and what has energy to do with it. You can then use wiki, google or google scholar to learn more about the bits you find interesting. In any case, make sure you understand what is "complexity" and what is it that makes our society complex.

Get ready: Check the electrical appliances you have at home. What is their rated power (in kilowatts, kW)? How much power do they have in total?
