Beyond realism and liberalism: history and theories of IR

Epistemology/ontology and how these matter in IR theory 19. 9. 2022

Tasks for the beginning of the semester

  • Choose one topic for presentation (which is also the topic for one of the papers)
  • Choose one additional topic for a paper

Additional paper
Počet zveřejněných témat: 10
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Počet zveřejněných témat: 10
Nejste přihlášen na žádné téma.


Time and location I.

Thies, Cameron G. „Progress, History and Identity in International Relations Theory: The Case of the Idealist-Realist Debate". European Journal of International Relations 8, č. 2 (červen 2002): 147–85.

Time and location II.

Carvalho, Benjamin de, Halvard Leira, a John M. Hobson. „The Big Bangs of IR: The Myths That Your Teachers Still Tell You about 1648 and 1919". Millennium - Journal of International Studies 39, č. 3 (5. leden 2011): 735–58.

Post-colonialism, Europocentricity  

Robbins, Bruce, Mary Louise Pratt, Jonathan Arac, R. Radhakrishnan, a Edward Said. „Edward Said’s Culture and Imperialism: A Symposium". Social Text, č. 40 (1994): 1–24.

Marxism of Gramscian legacy

Cox, Robert W. „Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory". Millennium 10, č. 2 (1. červen 1981): 126–55.

Marxism: World-system theory

Wallerstein, Immanuel. „Marx, Marxism-Leninism, and Socialist Experiences in the Modern World-System". Thesis Eleven 27, č. 1 (1. srpen 1990): 40–53.

Critical theory

Brincat, S. 2016. ‘Traditional, Problem-Solving and Critical Theory: An Analysis of Horkheimer and Cox’s Setting of the “Critical” Divide’. Globalizations 13 (5): 563–77.

Feminism I.

Tickner, J. Ann. „You Just Don’t Understand: Troubled Engagements Between Feminists and IR Theorists". International Studies Quarterly 41, č. 4 (prosinec 1997): 611–32.

Feminism II.  

Kronsell, Annica. 2016. ‘Sexed Bodies and Military Masculinities: Gender Path Dependence in EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy’. Men and Masculinities 19 (3): 311–36.

Constructivism I.

Fiammenghi, Davide. "“Anarchy Is What States Make of It”: True in a Trivial Sense; Otherwise, Wrong". International Politics 56, č. 1 (únor 2019): 17–32.

Constructivism II.

Barkin, J.Samuel. „Realist Constructivism". International Studies Review 5, č. 3 (1. září 2003): 325–42.