Transitional Justice and Democratization

4. Transitional justice in post-conflict societies II. Truth Commissions and amnesties.

Characterisation of Truth and reconciliation commissions (TRCs) – most famous TRCs: South Africa, El Salvador, Spain, Poland. Deciding to prosecute or forget – Relationship between amnesties and TRCs – TRCs and democratisation.


Reading list:

·        Crocker, David A. (2000): Truth Commissions, Transitional Justice, and Civil Society. In: Rotberg, Robert I. – Thompson, Dennis (eds.): Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000, s.99-121.

 ·        Gibson, James L. (2004): Truth, Reconciliation, and the Creation of a Human Rights Culture in South Africa. Law and Society Review, Vol. 38, January 2004, No. 1, s. 5-40.

 ·        Gibson, James. (2009): On Legitimacy Theory and the Effectiveness of Truth Commissions’. Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 123-142.


Pages: 66