10. Victim oriented transitional justice: restitutions, rehabilitation, compensations
Mechanisms targeting victims –
rationales and aims – Hungary as an example of CEE – South Africa – restitutions,
rehabilitations, compensations
Reading list:
Vogel, Bernhard (2008): The Formation of Active Civil Societies in Post-communist States: The Challenges and Opportunities of a Political Foundation. European View, No. 7, s.129-138.
Welsh, Helga A. (1996): Dealing with the Communist past: Central and East EuropeanExperiences after 1990. Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 48, No. 3, May 1996, s. 413-428.
Czech Constitutional Court on
the constitutionality of the Act on the Illegality of the Communist Regime: https://www.usoud.cz/en/decisions/1993-12-21-pl-us-19-93-lawlessness
Pincová and Pinc v Czechia (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
Constitutional Court of
Hungary on the compensation for appropriation of property (No. 21/1990 and No.
22/1996) https://hunconcourt.hu/translations-summaries-old
Pages: 24p. and 4 cases.