13. Democratic Backsliding, Transitional Justice and European Union – Seminar 2
The aim of
the seminar is to discus and analyse efforts done by the European Union
institutions in order to stop democratic backsliding of member states.
Transitional justice policies are part of the requiring topics and leitmotif of
official policies of populist leaders. The seminar zooms in on EU response
towards these practices.
Select one of the following topics:
· How does the EU react to transitional justice concerns and policies adopted in individual countries?
· How does the EU address communist past of its individual member states?
· What role do transitional justice issues play in current democratic backsliding/democratic decay in EU member states? Can a lack of transitional justice contribute to democratic backsliding?
Position paper should be 2000 words maximum. Do not forget to use references. Make sure to structure your paper clearly, outline the topic you chose, how you are going to argue and what conclusion you arrived to.
Reading list
Sadurski, ‘Adding a Bite to
a Bark? A story of Article 7, the EU Enlargement, and Joerg Haider’, Legal
Studies Research Paper No. 10/01, (2010) The University of Sydney, Sydney
Law School, available at <http://ssrn.com/abstract=1531393>
Pages: 37
Further readings:
Nalepa, Monika. Transitional Justice and Authoritarian Backsliding. Constitutional Political Economy 32, 278-300 (2021) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10602-020-09315-5
Bates, G., Cinar, I,. Nalepa, M. Accountability by Numbers: A New Global Transitional Justice Dataset (1946-2016). Perspectives on Politics, 18 (1), 161-184 (2019). https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/accountability-by-numbers-a-new-global-transitional-justice-dataset-19462016/E11C0335090B49B73060A181B68E4E4B