I. Vytvořte parafrázi o délce jedné až dvou vět z následujícího textu, přičemž cílem parafráze je popsat pojetí lidu v rétorice politické stran ANO. Pište česky/slovensky. Not surprisingly, the core of the populist appeal of the party was the construction of the divide between the people and the political elite. Unlike populist radical right parties, the people were not defined strictly regarding a nation, an ethnic group or religion. Nor was it the class approach usually employed by the radical left. Instead, ANO’s people-centrism used the traditional notion of “Czech golden hands”, i.e., a reference both to an alleged high level of craftsmanship and the popularity of a do-it-yourself approach in the Czech Republic (Hradecká, 2013). This glorification of the Czech people did not stand alone and was a part of the key element of any populist discourse, the proclaimed division between the people and politicians. It was clearly expressed in one the main slogans of ANO “We are a talented nation, but we are governed by the inept” used before the 2013 general election. Havlík, Vlastimil (2019). „ Technocratic populism and political illiberalism in Central Europe.” Problems of Post-Communism. Odpověď: II. Vymyslete větu, ve které budete přímo citovat definici skutečně nových politických stran podle úryvku článku níže. Text napsal dr. Alan Sikk a který byl publikován v květnu v roce 2005 v časopise European Journal of Political Research. Jednalo se třetí číslo ve 44. Ročníku časopisu, který vydává společnost Wiley. Článek měl 22 stran a byl otištěn na stranách 391-412. Pod citaci napište bibliometrický záznam Sikkova textu podle citační normy, kterou používá Sociologický časopis. In this respect, such parties cannot be called ‘genuinely new’. Instead, they can be defined as parties that are not successors to any previous parliamentary parties, have a novel name and structure, and do not have any important figures from past democratic politics among their major members. The last condition excludes participation by prime ministers and significant portions of cabinet ministers and members of parliament. Communist era power holders can form genuinely new parties, except those who entered democratic politics in the founding elections phase in direct continuation of communist parties. In any event, most of the later entrants represent rather marginal reincarnations of communist politics and cannot be considered part of the existing party-cartel. Several parties in Eastern Europe that have re-entered parliament after spending one electoral cycle outside will not be considered genuinely new; however, parties missing from more than one parliament will be regarded as new. Odpověď: III. V textu Van der Brug, W. (2004). Issue ownership and party choice. Electoral studies, 23(2), 209-233 najděte a následně stručně (do pěti vět) vysvětlete termín tematické vlastnictví.