Sexuální orientace
Klíčová slova: erotická plasticita, heterosexismus, asexualita,
sexuální předsudky, homofobie
Povinná literatura:
* Lehmiller, J. J. (2017). Sexual
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Meyer, I. H. (2003).
Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual
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Diamond, L. M. (2007). A dynamical
systems approach to the development and expression of female same-sex
sexuality. Perspectives on Psychological
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Prause, N., & Graham, C. A.
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Behavior, 36(3), 341-356.
Brotto, L. A., Knudson, G., Inskip, J.,
Rhodes, K., & Erskine, Y. (2010). Asexuality: A mixed-methods approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(3),
k druhému úkolu: Postoje
* Allen, M. S., & Robson, D. A.
(2020). Personality and sexual orientation: New data and meta-analysis. The
Journal of Sex Research, 57(8), 953-965.
* Flores, A. R. (2015). Examining
variation in surveying attitudes on same-sex marriage: A meta-analysis. Public
Opinion Quarterly, 79(2), 580-593.
* Smith, S. J., Axelton, A. M., &
Saucier, D. A. (2009). The effects of contact on sexual prejudice: A
meta-analysis. Sex Roles, 61(3), 178-191.
* Suárez,
M. I., Stackhouse, E. W., Keese, J., & Thompson, C. G. (2022). A
meta-analysis examining the relationship between parents’ sexual orientation
and children's developmental outcomes. Journal of Family Studies,