Behavioral Economics: Psychology Meets Economics
General info
Here are the papers for the mini lectures:
Paper | Paper No. | |
Lorko, M., Servátka, M., & Zhang, L. (2019). Anchoring in project duration estimation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 162, 49-65. | 1 | |
Morita, H., & Servátka, M. (2013). Group identity and relation-specific investment: An experimental investigation. European Economic Review, 58, 95-109. | 2 | |
Lacetera, N., Macis, M., & Slonim,
R. (2012). Will there be blood? Incentives and displacement effects in
pro-social behavior. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(1), 186-223. | 3 | |
Gino, F., Krupka, E. L., & Weber, R. A. (2013). License to cheat: Voluntary regulation and ethical behavior. Management science, 59(10), 2187-2203. | 4 | |
Thaler, R. H., & Benartzi, S. (2004). Save more tomorrow™: Using behavioral economics to increase employee saving. Journal of political Economy, 112(S1), S164-S187. | 5 | |
Camerer, C., & Lovallo, D. (1999). Overconfidence and excess entry: An experimental approach. American economic review, 89(1), 306-318. | 6 | |
Slonim, R., & Roth, A. E. (1998). Learning in high stakes ultimatum games: An experiment in the Slovak Republic. Econometrica, 569-596. | 7 | |
Maggian, V., & Villeval, M. C. (2016). Social preferences and lying aversion in children. Experimental Economics, 19(3), 663-685. | 8 | |
Ariely, D., Kamenica, E., & Prelec, D. (2008). Man's search for meaning: The case of Legos. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 67(3-4), 671-677. | 9 | |
Le Coq, C., Tremewan, J., & Wagner, A. K. (2015). On the effects of group identity in strategic environments. European Economic Review, 76, 239-252. | 10 | |
YOUR CHOICE | 11 | |
YOUR CHOICE | 12 | |
Please read carefully the syllabus of the course, to know what to expect.
PSYb2950 Syllabus 2022