HISTORY OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY (COURSE CODE: SANB 2032) FSS, Masaryk Univ. Brno When: Winter/Autumn 2022, Thurs from 12:00 to 13:40 (CET). Where: U23 Course convenor: Dr Patirck LAVIOLETTE 246133@mail.muni.cz / patrick.laviolette@fss.muni.cz Office Hours: Wed 14:00 15:30 (or Zoom appointment) Office: Room 3.48, Joštova 218/10. 602 00 Brno Phone: +420 549 49 49 04 Bronislaw Malinowski [1884-1942] Trobriand Islands Some Readings History and Anthropology journal, Taylor & Francis Haddon, A.C.1934. History of Anthropology. London: Watts & Co. (free download) http://archive.org/details/historyofanthrop020141mbp History of anthro series UW Press Stocking, G.W.Jr. 2010. Glimpses into My Own Black Box: An Exercise in Self-Deconstruction. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 12) Handler, R. (ed) 2006. Central Sites, Peripheral Visions Cultural and Institutional Crossings in the History of Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 11) Handler, R. 2003. Significant Others Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol.10) Handler, R. (ed) 1999. Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions: Essays Toward a More Inclusive History of Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 9) Stocking, G.W. Jr. 1996. Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol. 8) British social anthropology, genealogy Edward B. Tylor [1832-1917] (Oxon) James George Frazer [1854-1941](Cantab) Robert R. Marett [1866-943] (Oxon) Alfred Cort Haddon Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers [1827-1900] (Oxon) WHR Rivers Charles Seligman [1855-1940](Cantab) [1864-1922](Cantab) [1873-1940] (LSE) Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown [1881-1955] (Cantab, misc. Oxon) Edvard Westermarck [1862-1939] (LSE) Bronislaw Malinowski] [1884-1942] (LSE) C. Daryll Forde E.E. Evans-Pritchard Meyer Fortes Raymond Firth Camilla Wedgwood Audrey Richards [1902-73] (UCL) [1902-73] (Oxon) [1906-83](Cantab) [1901-2002](LSE) [1901-55](Cantab,LSE) [1899-1984](LSE) Lieutenant General Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers [1827-1900] “Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Tylor 1871: 1) James George Frazer [1854-1951] Edward B. Tylor [1832-1917] • 1898 Torres Straits Expedition. Standing (from left to right): W.H.R. Rivers, Charles Gabriel Seligman, Sidney Herbert Ray, Anthony Wilkin. Seated: Alfred Cort Haddon Bastian Herder, Goethe Grimms Industrial Revolution along with new developments in mobility meant: 19th Century was a time for Biology, Engineering and Ethics. The 19th C was the century for the working class (KM & FE). And a century of mass migration (over 60 million migrants from Europe to the colonies and ‘new world’). Abolition of slavery in Britain and France, 1833 (Wilberforce in Eng, Toussaint Louverture Haiti/Fr, etc) Evolutionary theory: C. Linnaeus [1707–78]; J.B. Lamarck [1744-1829] Charles Darwin [1809–1882], On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) Lewis Henry Morgan [1818–1881] Rochester Univ. Morgan’s work was so diverse and respected that he was cited, not only by Marx & Engels, but by Darwin and Freud. Was a government consultant on ethnological and native American affairs, as well as railway developments. German tradition: Bastian, Hegel, Herder, Humboldt brothers, Kant, Goethe, Grimm brothers, Schleiermacher, Wundt Sceptical of evolutionary theory. But founded a ‘Diffusionist school that was problematic and not esp taken notcie of except a few important individuals such as W.Rivers (Cantab), G Elliot Smith (Ldn). Hylland Eriksen and Nielsen then talk of the development of New Sociology. Interest in social forms, not culture. Durkheim (religion, suicide), Weber (methodological individualism) Adolphus Peter Elkin [1891 - 1979] https://ambassadorsart.wordpress.com/2014/08/13/a-p-elkin/ “From the early 1940’s Elkin undertook his own version of the British ‘Mass observation’ technique of relying on surveys and correspondence with people from numerous backgrounds to compile evidence of the need for government intervention into public morality and workplace reforms”. • Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown • (1881 - 1955) • Malinowski (1884 - Fourth of Firth: B aphical Festschrift of Sir Raymond Raymond Firth, (1901 - 2002)