Bruno Latour [1947 - 2022] Material Culture MUNI, FSS SANb 2032 lecture 6, (archtitecture, home, domestic ) ‘This is not a tower’ ‘The Treachery of Images’ 1929 René Magritte [1898 – 1967] Ian Woodward, Understanding MC, 2006 ‘Ordinariness’ Case studies: Helen’s chair, Christina’s Wartishog carving Sarah’s corduroy bible Assistive technology, Barnsley South Yorkshire Co-op case study, London Panopticon Domesticating surveillance Bentham, Foucault. Buchli, Victor & Gavin Lucas (2001). Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past. London: Routledge. Vienna Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial, Rachael Whiteread, DBE [1963 - ]