CDSn4001: Conflict Analysis Causes of civil war November 20, 2023 Miriam Matejova, PhD Agenda • Defining civil war • Causes: grievances vs resources • Ethnicity and ethnic conflict Defining civil war • A conflict between organized groups within a nation-state. – International war is between like actors; civil war is usually between a state and non-state opponents who adopt insurgent or terrorist tactics. • Why is accurate definition crucial? • Is there always a sharp distinction between internal and international war? • What distinguishes a civil war from other types of internal contentious politics? Civil war: causes • Rationalist vs symbolic explanations • Grievances – Reasons people rebel • Resources – Economic factors as a source of conflict and as a constraint on state’s ability to resist rebellion Grievances • Grievance: a feeling of being wronged • Can be political, economic, religious, territorial, ethnic, etc. but often overlap – Political: seeking to overthrow the government or reform – Economic: seeking to force the government to adopt a different economic policy or address an economic grievance – Territorial: fight for autonomy or independence Why does wealth affect the likelihood of civil war occurrence? • Poorer governments have lesser ability to address grievances and combat violent movements. • Poorer individuals are more likely to join violent movements, because they have economically less to lose. • People are more likely to rebel when their level of wealth departs significantly from their expectations. Ethnicity • Primordial school: ethnicity is deeply ingrained in human history and experience; it is a fact of life in the relations between individuals and groups • Instrumentalists: elites use ethnicity to manipulate and mobilize followers in the pursuit of interests like physical security, economic gains, or political power • Suggests that ethnic identities are fluid Constructivist understanding of ethnicity • Ethnosymbolism: emphasis on ethnic group bound together by myths and symbols – Ethnic group as population sharing common myths about its origins, historical memories, and cultural features (also associated with a territory and has a sense of solidarity) • Political exploitation of ethnicity is constrained by pre-existing cultural context • Emotions (not rational calculations) motivate people to act