Marxist themes II: Materialism New materialism • Things, also human beings are made of matter: they are mixtures of mineral, vegetable and synthetic materials. • Both the garment and the wearer’s body are made of materials. • Matter is not merely raw and inert stuff on which humans act, but is itself alive and acting. Production • The key mistake of the mode of production model was to define ‘production’ simply as the production of material objects. • The adequate theory of ‘production’ would have to give equal place to the production of people and social relations • The actions involved in the production of cultural objects are material practices. Reproduction • The role of reproductive labour and biological forms of reproduction • Individuals live a meaningful relation to their conditions of existence. • Misrecognition: the individual must recognize itself as a subject in ideological discourse. The capitalist mode of production • The unlimited need for growth: • Profit • The wage labor. • Money • Distinction between homes and workplaces: • Commodities David Graeber „The corporate form cut away from existence: the idea that capitalist enterprises were immortal persons free of the need to be born, marry or die.“