
Simulation game

In a simulation game, students will engage in multi-stakeholder negotiations within and between the EU institutions. Through role-playing, they will explore the interactions in the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the European Union while drafting EU legislation through the ordinary legislative procedure. Students will gain a formal understanding of the processes and techniques of negotiation and decision-making in the EU.

Students will be divided into small groups and must develop their negotiating position according to instructions. The selection of groups and specific instructions will be emailed after the enrollment changes are finalized, i.e., 03.10.2023.

Position paper

The position paper should reflect your political group and the strategy you will practice in the simulation.  In the first part, you will present your group's objectives. The second part of the position paper should be the strategy you will go into the negotiations with. 

The length of the position paper should be 2 to 4 standard pages (i.e. 3600characters to 7200 characters, including references)

The deadline for submission of documents will be on the 03rd of December 2023.
The simulation game will take place on Friday, 15.12.2023, at 9:00 
 in room U42.

After the game, a short questionnaire will be available in the information system under the "questionnaires" section. It is crucial that you fill out the questionnaire immediately after the game, as we have a limited time for evaluation. The questionnaire aims to reflect on your position and strategy during the simulation.
