Political and social transformation of East Central Europe (1989-)

Day 2: November 7


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3/ Dimensions of interpretations: Conflicting evaluations of the past 33 years

Compulsory reading:

Kornai, János “Hungary’s U-Turn,” Capitalism and Society 2015: Vol. 10, Issue 1

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Recommended reading:

Gábor G. Fodor. The crisis of the regime change. Századvég Kiadó. 2009. pp. 119-140.

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4/ Political agency: Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Victor Orbán…

Compulsory reading:

T Berend, Ivan. Three demagogues exploit the difficult transformation: Viktor Orbán in Hungary and the Kaczyński brothers in Poland. In: A Century of Populist Demagogues. Eighteen European Portraits, 1918–2018. 2020. CEU Press

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Recommended reading:

Schwartzburg, Rosa and Imre Szijarto. When Orbán Was a Liberal, Jacobin. July 24, 2019. https://jacobin.com/2019/07/viktor-orban-fidesz-party-youth-activism