7/11 Week 8 Yemen
Obligatory literature:
Yemen Nowadays: Contemporary Security Threats Through the Lenses of Copenhagen School. 2020. Prague: CBAP. (page 5,6, 14-21)
HAMID, Shadi a MCCANTS, William Faizi (ed.). Rethinking political Islam. New York: Oxford University Press, [2017]. ISBN 978-0-19-064919-7.BRANDT, Marieke. Tribes and politics in Yemen: a
history of the Houthi conflict. London: Hurst & Company, 2017. ISBN
978-1-84904-646-6. Chapter 3 The Saudi Influence p.75-98
DELLA PORTA, Donatella,
Teije Hidde DONKER, Bogumila HALL, Emin POLJAREVIC a Daniel P. RITTER. Social
movements and civil war: when protests for democratization fail. London:
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. Routledge studies on civil war and
intrastate conflict. ISBN 978-1-138-22417-9. Chapter 5 Yemen’s Failed Transition: From Peaceful Protests to War of ‘All against All’ p. 104-135
Recommended literature:
Yemen Nowadays: Contemporary Security Threats Through the Lenses of Copenhagen School. 2020. Prague: CBAP. (p. 14-60 )
BRANDT, Marieke. Tribes and politics in Yemen: a history of the Houthi conflict. London: Hurst & Company, 2017. ISBN 978-1-84904-646-6. p.99-192