Week 2 Topic 1 The globalisation of news
In this session we consider various ways in which we can explore the globalisation of news, of professional journalistic practises and of the institutions that produce and distribute the news. News flows globally and is consumed by global audiences, in some cases news production for global audiences is explicitly linked to government policy goals. The historical aspect of the globalisation of news/news industries will be central to our discussion.
Please read at least one of these key readings:
Key readings:
Harcup, T. & O’Neill, D. (2017) “What is News?”, Journalism Studies, 18(12), pp. 1470-1488.
Chalaby, J. K. (2005). “From Internationalization to Transnationalization.” Global Media and Communication, 1(1).
Recommended readings:
Chalaby, J.K. (1996) “Journalism as an Anglo-American Invention: A Comparison of the Development of French and Anglo-American Journalism, 1830s–1920s.” European Journal of Communication 11(3).
Curran, J, Esser, F, Hallin, DC. (2017) “International news and global integration: A five-nation reappraisal.” Journalism Studies 18(2), pp. 118–134.
Clausen, L (2004) “Localizing the global: ‘Domestication’ processes in international news production.” Media, Culture & Society 26(1), pp. 25–44.
Williams, K. (2011) Chapter 1 “Globalisation and international journalism” in: International Journalism. London: Sage.
Chyi, H.I., Tennant, J.I. (2017) “Transnational media management: Western news organizations’ web operations in China.” International Journal on Media Management 19(4), pp. 261–281.