title: "Diamond sizes"
date: 2022-09-12
embed-resources: true
chunk_output_type: console
echo: true
comment: "#"
collapse: false
fig.width: 6
fig.asp: 0.618
out.width: "70%"
fig.align: center
csl: apa.csl
bibliography: references.bib
#| label: setup
#| include: false
smaller <- diamonds %>%
filter(carat <= 2.5)
fnum <- function(x) format(x, digits = 2, big.mark = ".",
decimal.mark = ",")
x <- 3452345
y <- 0.12358124331
X equals `r x` and Y equals `r y`.
X equals `r fnum(x)` and Y equals `r fnum(y)`.
# Diamonds
We have data about `r nrow(diamonds)` diamonds. Only `r nrow(diamonds) - nrow(smaller)` are larger than 2.5 carats. The distribution of the remainder is shown below:
#| label: plot-smaller-diamonds
#| echo: false
smaller %>%
ggplot(aes(x = carat)) +
geom_freqpoly(binwidth = 0.01)
### Formatting
*italic* **bold** [underline]{.underline} ~~strikeout~~ [small caps]{.smallcaps} `code` X^supescript^ X~subscript~
### **Headings**
# 1st Level Header
## 2nd Level Header
### 3rd Level Header
#### 4th Level Header
##### 5th Level Header
###### 6th Level Header
## Lists
- Bulleted list: Item 1
- Item 2
- Item A
- Item B
1. Numbered list: Item 1
2. Item 2
1. Item 2.1
2. Item 2.2
## Links and Images
[Quarto](https://quarto.org/ "Quarto documentation")
{fig-alt="Quarto logo and the word quarto spelled in small case letters"}
## Tables
| First Header | Second Header |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
## Code chunks
#| label: simple-addition
1 + 1
#| label: simple-multiplication
#| eval: false
2 * 2
Co můžeme nastavit na false (outputem se myslí konzolový output, messages jsou "nevarovná" hlášení, warnings jsou "varovná")
| Option | Run code | Show code | Output | Plots | Messages | Warnings |
| `eval: false` | X | | X | X | X | X |
| `include: false` | | X | X | X | X | X |
| `echo: false` | | X | | | | |
| `results: hide` | | | X | | | |
| `fig-show: hide` | | | | X | | |
| `message: false` | | | | | X | |
| `warning: false` | | | | | | X |
## Diamond carats by cut, color, and clarity
#| label: carats
#| echo: false
bigger <- diamonds %>%
filter(carat > 2.5)
p <- bigger %>%
ggplot(aes(cut, carat)) +
#| label: plot-1
#| echo: false
#| fig-width: 2
#| out-width: '50%'
#| label: plot-2
#| echo: false
#| fig-width: 2
#| out-width: '100%'
#| label: plot-3
#| echo: false
#| fig-width: 10
#| out-width: '50%'
#| label: plot-4
#| echo: false
#| fig-width: 10
#| out-width: '100%'
## Tables
#| label: mtcars
mtcars[1:5, ]
knitr::kable(mtcars[1:5, ], )
[DataTable options](https://datatables.net/reference/option/)
## Caching
#| label: raw-data
#| cache: true
#| cache.extra: !expr file.mtime("people-10000.csv")
rawdata <- readr::read_csv("people-10000.csv")
#| label: processed-data
#| cache: true
#| dependson: 'raw-data'
processed_data <- rawdata %>%
filter(Sex == "Female")
## Citace
To add a citation using the visual editor, go to Insert \> Citation. Citations can be inserted from a variety of sources:
1. [DOI](https://quarto.org/docs/visual-editor/technical.html#citations-from-dois) (Document Object Identifier) references.
2. [Zotero](https://quarto.org/docs/visual-editor/technical.html#citations-from-zotero) personal or group libraries.
3. Searches of [Crossref](https://www.crossref.org/), [DataCite](https://datacite.org/), or [PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).
4. Your document bibliography (a `.bib` file in the directory of your document).
Balíček *tidyverse* [@tidyverse] je vlastně souborem několika balíčků, včetně např. balíčků *dplyr* [@dplyr]\
nebo *ggplot2* [@ggplot2].
Více citací oddělujeme středníkem [@dplyr; @ggplot2].
Do hranatých závorek lze doplnit libovolné komentáře:\
Blah blah [viz @dplyr, pp. 33--35; a také @ggplot2, kapitola 1].
Když nepoužijeme hranaté závorky, jedná se o citaci autora přímo v textu (v zárorce bude jen rok):\
@dplyr blah blah, nebo @ggplot2 [p. 33] says blah.
Pomlčka/znak pro mínus potlačí jméno autora v závorce: Podle Wickhama et al. [-@tidyverse]...
Citační styly:
## Další studium
## Citovaná literatura