SOCn5010 Analýza sociálních sítí Přednáška 5: pozice a vliv Mocenská elita Role businessu I. Role businessu II. Jaké typy vztahů nás zajímají? •Směna (zdroje, toky peněz) •Rodinné vazby •Přináležitost ke skupině (politická strana) •Sdílená lokalita •Sdílené zájmy •Sdílené vlastnictví •… Interlocking directorates (Mizruchi) •Proč vznikají? •Spiknutí, kooptace a dohled, legitimita, kariérní vzestup, sociální koheze • •Jaké mají důsledky? •Kontrola, indikátor síťové zakořeněnosti (embeddedness) •Soudržnost, koordinace, jednotná kontrola + náskok před konkurencí, lepší toky informací, lepší spolupráce Příklad: Interlocking directorates (Garcia-Bernardo, Takes 2016) Sample of the Swedish network of interlocking directorates. Based on largest 120 firms in terms of revenue, connected through 422 interlocks. Color and size are proportional to node degree. Příklad: Interlocking directorates – egonet MIT Příklad: Analýza meziparlamentních komisí (Mochťak, Diviák 2019) Seminář Key concepts -Size -Density -Cohesion -Reciprocity -Transitivity -Centralization - - • Network size •Size is critical for the structure of social relations because of the limited resources and capacities that each actor has for building and maintaining ties •Number of nodes Density •Social capital and/or social constraint •Proportion of existing ties out of all possible ties •Maximum density in symmetric/undirected network: n(n-1)/2 [n – number of nodes] •Comparing densities across network of different size? •Average degree + in-degree/out-degree •Valued network: density is defined as the sum of the ties divided by the number of possible ties (i.e. the ratio of all tie strength that is actually present to the number of possible ties) •= sum of the values of all ties divided by the number of possible ties. That is, with valued data, density is usually defined as the average strength of ties across all possible (not all actual) ties Cohesion •Density in sub-graphs (within groups) •Components •Component ratio = (number of components-1)/(number of nodes-1) •1 = every node is an isolate / 0= one component •Connectedness – proportion of pair of nodes that can reach each other (are located in the same component) •1 – connectedness = fragmentation • Reciprocity •directed data •four possible dyadic relationships: A and B are not connected, A sends to B, B sends to A, or A and B send to each other. •Number of reciprocated ties / number of all ties •Dyad method: number of pairs with a reciprocated tie relative to the number of pairs with any tie •Arc method: percentage of all possible ties (or "arcs" of the directed graph) which are part of reciprocated structures Centralization •Extent to which a network is dominated by a single node •Domination – star graph •The star network is the most unequal possible network for any number of actors •degree of variability in the degrees of actors in the network as percentage of that in a star network of the same size •Sum of differences between each node´s centrality and the centrality of the most central node / sum of differences in the star graph of the same size Transitivity •Triad census •the most interesting and basic questions of social structure arise with regard to triads •Transitive triad – A-B, B-C, C-A •Share of transitive triads in the network •Clustering coefficient – density of ties of a ego-network (individual clustering coefficient); average CC – network CC; weighted overal CC = transitivity coefficient Transitivity •Transitive vs. Intransitive triad (AB,BC,CA vs. AB,BC) – undirected •Directed – 16 triads: Transitivity •Triplets instead of triads •triplets are like triads, but they refer only to the presence of the edges, and do not require the absence of edges. •E.g., the number of two-star triplets is the number of potentially transitive triads. •The triplet count for a non-directed graph is defined by the number of edges, the total number of two-stars (irrespective of whether they are embedded in a triangle), and the number of triangles. Literatura •PADGETT, JOHN AND CHRISTOPHER ANSEL. 1993. “ROBUST ACTION AND THE RISE OF THE •MEDICI, 1400-1434.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 98: 1259-1319. •MIZRUCHI, MARK S. 1996. "WHAT DO INTERLOCKS DO? AN ANALYSIS, CRITIQUE, AND ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH ON INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES." ANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY 22: 271-298. •CROSSLEY, Nick. 2010. Towards Relational Sociology. Abingdon: Routledge. •PRELL, Christine. 2012. Social Network Analysis: History, Theory & Methodology. Los Angeles: Sage. •KNOKE, David, and Song YANG. 2008. Social network analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage. •