Current Issues in Research of Media and Audiences

Week 1 - Introduction and organisation

The first lecture will be conducted online on Zoom on September 20, 12:00:

Meeting ID: 960 0690 4297
Passcode: 222597

Course objectives

The course is designed as a series of lectures and discussions acquainting students with selected topics in the current research of media and media audiences. The course is taught by experts from the Department of Media Studies and Journalism and the Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society (IRTIS), who will introduce students to selected areas in their current research interests and activities. After completing the course, the students will have an overview of the current media studies research on the topics listed below.

Course requirements

The students are required to read weekly reading assignments before the lecture. Attendance at all lectures is not compulsory but recommended. The students are also required to fulfill the following tasks:

Topic registration. Each student will enrol to one topic specified within the course Topic List in IS. The deadline for registration is December 10, 2023There is a limited amount of students per topic.;balik=491937;obdobi=9023;fakulta=1423;kod=ZURb1614;predmet=1557854

Popularisation text. Each student will write a short popularisation text (i.e., a short article for the public) about the selected topic. The text should be 3 standard pages long, including references. The assignment will be specified at the introductory session. The deadline is January 5, 2024.;obdobi=9023;predmet=1557854;lang=en

Students must complete the tasks in due time to successfully finish the course and get the credits. With general questions about the assignment, write to Marie Bedrošová. With questions about your selected topic, write to the teacher of the relevant lecture. If you need to finish the course earlier, write to Marie Jaroň Bedrošová (


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.


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