What is needed to pass this course? Attendance Every week you can get 6 points for being in class. Two points for coming, two points for participating in the in-class discussion, and 2 points for any out-of-class activity, like shooting. (2+2+2) = 6 every week. Homework. Every week, you can get 6 points for doing homework. Three points for turning it in - on time, and up to three points if it's as good, or better, than what you did the week before. So, trying to turn it all in at once at the end of the year accomplishes nothing. (3+3) = 6 every week. Final Project. The final project is 50% of the final point total. If there are 12 points possible every week, and there are, and there are 12 weeks where points are possible - the final week when presentations are given doesn't have any points possible other than the final presentation - then 144 points are possible through the normal course of the year. That means in a 12 week course, the final project is worth an additional 144 points. 144 one time. If, however, your final project is not good, looks like you shot the whole thing 10 minutes before class, has no Photoshop work done, has poorly composed photos - like to much head room in a portrait, and the photos really don't match their respective titles, then you won't get 144 points. Simply turning in a project DOES NOT mean you get the full points possible for the presentation. If you turn in a presentation that is not good, you will get 25% of the possible points for simply turning in something. The remaining 75% of the possible points will be determined by the merits of your work. IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE, you need to get 60% of the total possible points. That would, essentially, be a 4. In a pass/fail course, though, a 4 is still enough to pass. (2+2+2)12 + (3+3)12 +144 = 288 288 * .60 = 173 (rounded up) THIS IS THE MINIMUM POINT TOTAL NEEDED TO PASS. If you attend every week, participate in class, and submit homework, then the final project should be easy, and you have some "wiggle room." If, however, you don't attend every week, and you don't turn in homework, then you need to get a perfect score on the final project just to get a "4" and pass.