I want you for disinformation workshop!!! 13/12/2024 CDSn4104 Miloš Gregor manipulative techniques Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) 1. assertion 2. bandwagon 3. blaming 4. fabrication 5. false dilemma, lesser of two evils 6. labelling / name calling 7. fear appeal 8. card stacking 9. transfer 10. plain folk Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) The Middle East will never be at peace. A record number of hurricanes have been caused by global warming this year. 1. assertion ‣simplest form of propaganda ‣simply stating a debatable idea as a fact ‣no explanation or justi fi cation examples: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Five million members and growing! Everybody’s doing it! ‣people like to belong to a group ‣especially to a successful & popular group examples: 2. bandwagon Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Migrant crisis started when Merkel invited all illegal immigrants. 3. blaming ‣people don’t want to be responsible ‣better to say someone else is cause example: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 4. fabrication ‣ fi ction, fabulation ‣lies people tend to believe ‣mainstream media lie to you, we are telling truth example: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) You are either an ally or an enemy. 5. false dilemma / lesser of two evils ‣black’n'white thinking, false dichotomy, false choice, etc. ‣reducing a complex of argument ‣only one point is appropriate ‣a simple matter of either / or example: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) 5. false dilemma / lesser of two evils ‣black’n'white thinking, false dichotomy, false choice, etc. ‣reducing a complex of argument ‣only one point is appropriate ‣a simple matter of either / or Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Clearly, my opponent’s bleeding-heart liberalism will not help to solve the current crisis. 6. labelling / name calling example: ‣negative words to disparage an enemy ‣used to replace of logical arguments ‣appealing to emotions ‣personal level Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Those who do not participate will burn in hell. Big brother is watching you! 7. fear appeal ‣attempts to create support for an idea ‣prejudice ‣disaster element examples: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Our program to solve the economic crisis is much more effective than the opponents’ ones. 8. card stacking ‣author’s opinion ‣problem especially in news ‣unfair advantage to one point of view example: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) A candidate for of fi ce addresses allegations of wrongdoing in front of a house of worship while wearing a religious symbol on his lapel pin. A dove signals peace. 9. transfer ‣association, false connection ‣transfer of feeling and association examples: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) 9. transfer ‣association, false connection ‣transfer of feeling and association A candidate for of fi ce addresses allegations of wrongdoing in front of a house of worship while wearing a religious symbol on his lapel pin. A dove signals peace. examples: Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) 10. plain folk ‣regular people’s values (family, patriotism, etc.) ‣insider view ‣words such as home, children, dinner table Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) ‣regular people’s values (family, patriotism, etc.) ‣insider view ‣words such as home, children, dinner table mgregor@fss.muni.cz/ Miloš Gregor /AnselmoCZ part III: your turn! Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) present a story about your country: 1) find some “weird” news 2) identify what’s the problematic aspect 1. assertion 2. bandwagon 3. blaming 4. fabrication 5. false dilemma, lesser of two evils 6. labelling / name calling 7. fear appeal 8. card stacking 9. transfer 10. plain folk manipulative techniques ‣source ‣pics manipulation ‣form of reasoning ‣pseudo arguments ‣undergoing revival ‣metaphor Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) present two stories about your country: 1) one of the true story 2) another one made up (as realistic as possible) ‣newspapers ‣radio ‣television ‣internet ‣AI Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) new technology, new issues? technology of manipulation ‣selective exposure/suppression of information ‣framing ‣evaluative judgements in news ‣astrotur fi ng ‣disinformation ‣decontextualization ‣deepfakes ‣AI Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) ‣laws ‣technology vs ‣social aspects ‣education our attention Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) ‣government ‣politicians ‣media ‣NGOs ‣education ‣family ‣individuals role of the state, but… Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) ‣it is dif fi cult to recognize disinformation if you are not familiar with the context ‣it is not always about lies; disinformation shift narrative more often thanks to the presenting just selected aspects of reality & tendentious framing ‣be aware of con fi rmation bias Miloš Gregor (@AnselmoCZ; mgregor@fss.muni.cz) lessons learned thank you. Miloš Gregor mgregor@fss.muni.cz AnselmoCZ