English for Environmental Studies and Social Policy and Social Work

Week 3

You should now be in a group which will work together to make a PRESENTATION on one of the agreed upon Pro-con topics you have chosen. You should follow the instructions in Seminar 1, Task 3:

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

If you still have not introduced yourself or responded to anyone in the DISCUSSION FORUM (DF), you may do so here:

To improve your argumentation skills, you may look at this:

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Feel free to do extra research outside of Pro-con and enjoy working together in your group!

Please upload your group presentation here or bring it on a flashdisk:


Don't forget to write a few line of self-reflection in your LANGUAGE LEARNING LOG (LLL) about what you liked or disliked about our lesson, how you felt, etc. You may want to include your GOALS for the semester here as well. Although you will be handing this in to me at the very end of the semester, I hope you will get into the habit of writing at least a couple of lines of REFLECTION and some new VOCABULARY every week.

Bonus video: