CSOn4006 MIGRATION, TRANSNATIONALISM AND THE CITY Autumn 2024 Final group research paper DRAFT guidelines What we asked Chat GPT: Please be my creative advisor in developing assignment for students. I need help with creating guidelines for students for writing drafts of their final essay in the course Migration, Transnationalism and the City. They are supposed to write a draft of 1,000-2,000 words. It should consist of - Introduction/background of the topic (what is already known about the subject? What is not known about the subject and hence you would like to write about? Are there conflicting views on the subject that you would like to discuss? Why do you consider it an important topic; why should the reader be interested in it?) - Research question or problem you want to address (list one key “how” or “why” question to be answered in the paper + max. 3 sub-questions developing the subject) - Theories, concepts, literature (what existing knowledge is relevant for your subject, what literature you are planning to use – you may list the key titles (these are not included in the 1,000-1,200-word count). - Hypothesis, main argument (what do you expect to find out, what do you want to argue) - Preliminary Outline of the paper (what topics you need to cover in order to answer your question). I would like them to use the Chat GPT to help them with preparation of the draft. However, I want them to reflect critically on what the Chat GPT produces and reflect on that. ChatGPT Title: Drafting Your Essay on Contemporary Migration Research Introduction/Background: • Start with a captivating hook that draws the reader’s attention to the significance of your topic. For example, you can use a relevant statistic, a thought-provoking quote, or an anecdote. • Provide a concise overview of the subject. What is already known about the particular topic related to migration, transnationalism, and/or urban contexts? Are there any prominent studies or theories in this field? • Identify gaps in the existing knowledge. What aspects of the topic are still unexplored, and why are they important to investigate? Are there conflicting views or debates within this field that you aim to address? • Explain why the reader should be interested in your topic. What real-world implications or consequences can be linked to your research? Research Question or Problem: • Formulate a clear and concise research question that your essay will answer. This should be a key "how" or "why" question related to migration, transnationalism, and the city. • List a maximum of three sub-questions that will help you develop your main research question. These sub-questions should be specific and related to the main problem. Theories, Concepts, Literature: • Provide a list of key literature, theories, and concepts that you plan to use in your essay. These are foundational sources that will inform your research. • Include the titles of relevant books, articles, or studies. Ensure that the sources you list are credible and academically sound. Main Argument: • State your main argument. What do you expect to discover through your research, and what will you argue in your essay? • Make sure argument aligns with your research question and is based on your understanding of the existing literature. Preliminary Outline: • Provide an outline of the major sections or topics you intend to cover in your essay to answer your research question. • Organize your outline logically, with headings and subheadings. This will serve as a roadmap for your essay. Utilizing Chat GPT: • You are encouraged to use Chat GPT to help with various aspects of your essay, such as generating content, refining ideas, or suggesting sources. • However, critically evaluate the content generated by Chat GPT. Consider its reliability, relevance, and alignment with your research goals. Not all suggestions from AI are equally valuable! • Reflect on how AI tools can assist or challenge your research process. Discuss the strengths and limitations of AI assistance in your essay. Word Count: Your draft should be between 1,000-1,200 words. Formatting and Citations: Ensure you follow your course's preferred citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and formatting guidelines. Submission: Submit your draft by December 15, at 11:00. Feedback and Reflection: After completing your draft, reflect on the challenges and benefits of using Chat GPT in your writing process. Discuss these in a separate reflection section. How did AI assist or hinder your work? How did you critically assess the AI-generated content? What did you learn from the experience? If you chose not to use AI, please explain why. This reflection should be about 300-400 words. These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for your students to prepare their drafts effectively and to reflect on the role of AI in their research process. It encourages critical thinking, research skills, and academic integrity.