CSOn4006 MIGRATION, TRANSNATIONALISM AND THE CITY Autumn 2024 Peer-review guidelines You should prepare a peer-review of the drafts of the final paper written by your colleague. It should be of minimum 400 words in length and it should help you colleagues to improve their papers. Here are some questions that may help you prepare your peer-to-peer review: • What is the main point, thesis, research question or central organizing idea of the paper? Does this need more definition or clarification? • What claims is the author making? Is there a good argument with a potential answer to the research question, hypothesis, or main claim? Is there adequate support for the claim(s)? Are examples or evidence needed? • Evaluate the theory/literature review section. Are there enough relevant sources to frame the author’s work? Is the author’s potential contribution to existing work clear? • What information would help to strengthen the paper? • Is the language use good – does the paper “flow” or are there parts that are difficult to understand? Is the tone appropriate for the assignment and the target audience?