Risk perception factors Two types of risk ❖ ■ External risk - the sources of external risk are nature forces (natural risks) ^ ■ Manufactured risk - The sources of manufactured risk are man-made objects (mainly technologies) (Giddens, 2004) TWO ELEMENTS OF RISK ❖ Risk implies the possibility of certain outcome ^ Risk implies uncertainty ... Risk is 'a situation or event in which something of human value (including humans themselves) has been put at stake and where the outcome is uncertain.' (jaegeret <8> al. 2001:17) Risk management Objective risk vs. Risk perception Threat: Nuclear energy Automobiles Smoking Police work Planes X-ray Electricity Mountain climbing Threat: „Women club" Nuclear energy 1 Automobiles 2 Smoking 3 Police work 5 Planes 4 X-ray 8 Electricity 7 Mountain climbing 6 Threat: „Women club" Experts Nuclear energy 1 7 Automobiles 2 1 Smoking 3 2 Police work 5 6 Planes 4 5 X-ray 8 3 Electricity 7 4 Mountain climbing 6 8 Miller-458, 459 Ideas about risk: • Modern societies: risk as mathematically calculated probability of undesired consequences of certain event. • Post-modern: risk as a social construct. Risk perception differs depending on: cultural contexts socio - demographic differences proximity of individual living place to risky object level of knowledge about risky technologies role of media (amplification or negation of certain topics on risk) FACTORS OF RISK PERCEPTION a) Psychological b) Attributes of technology c) Context factors d) Structural factors b) Characteristics, that influence risk perception of technologies Acceptable risk: Not acceptable risk: - Voluntary - involuntary - Controlled by individual - controlled by others - Observable - non observable - Useful - not useful -Old risk - new risk - Natural - Man-made - Consequences: statistical - Consequences: catastrophic - Immediate effect - delayed effect - Known to science - unknown to Science - Influences adults - influences children (example - bees, X-rays, car accidents (example - nuclear power, GMO) -https://nehody. cdv. cz/ Factor 2 Unknown risk WMarRuondatan* Com Tar Hsrdym* Or* Cor«>iicx|Xt^n» Valium* • ' IUD X*My% Danen •'• "'•-<': •• • ru*mt Auto U ad« • Loan Punt • • • - • Skateboards Smdung (CaaaMi)* •PdwMmmi •srowrnob*» Trantxxna** Vfmtm • AJorwi KMMM Kacraoflonal Boatvü, • •SmoUng Declnr W» ft Appl (Shoo I MotorcytMs r it-wink** • DNA rcdiKtogy »Badnc Fluid* • , • • In.'. • I n.r Jan iru • • 15-T TrKHnfo*r1r1»r« • r^iiiodr* • U'arium Mrang • .1.-. • PCSs • SatalM Clash** • NjJoar n**oJor Acadanta • . . • Falout ml Fuel! Coal ai.mi-.j iPotuscoi •Auio ew-uju .co i •l iLNG Sajtaga 4 D-CON Tr*r*)pori • CDal MiinqiDBtau) • Largo Don* • SkyScrapar Fmw • .. . .'•• ■ . Factor 1 Dread nsk Woapccs I /iai i a) ■ • • Sport Paracnulss *Gandra< Avtaaon • Hi^i Conarudon • Hircao CoUuön» • Alnohol •Ccmrarcaa Avadon • • •Aula Racng • Auto Ac oäarrti • F * OyuimM •Cod Mnina Aoodenli ❖ Final notes: „paralysis by analysis " „precautionary principle " - "better safe than sorry." Even if it is uncertain whether an activity will lead to harm, for example, to the environment or to human health, measures should be taken to prevent harm.