STRUCTURE • INTRODUCTION * DEFINITIONS • CAUSES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS • IMPACTS ON SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT • POSSIDLE SOLUTIONS • SPECIFIC EXAMPLES • CONCLUSION TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 1. AIR POLLUTION = harmful substances (PM, N02, S02) 3. FLOODING RISKS = likelihood of urban areas being filled by water due to factors like poor drainage, heavy rainfall and urbanization 2. WATER POLLUTION = contamination of water bodies that is harmful to living beings 4. URRAN HEAT ISLANDS = increase in temperature caused by the built environment (asphalt, concrete) CAUSES OF ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Join at #1368 812 URBANIZATION = process through which non-urban areas are transformed into natural urban spaces, characterized dy the growth of cities and towns landscapes PROBLEMS: ^^^^^ a) Heavy natural resource use high density infrastructrue w l0ss 0f natural ecosvstems zones c) Pollution • Buildings • Roads d) Urban water runoff • Utilities to accommodate the population and demand g) W3StC for resources INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES URBANIZATION PROBLEMS: a) Tons of waste b) Resource drain c) Pollution d) Energy consumption e) Landfills r i Industrial waste r Adversity to health L J r ^ Source r ^ Physical state L J Composition r 1 Persistence » Non-hazardous waste I Manufacturing waste Solid waste Organic waste Persistent waste Minimal risk to human health and the environment Chemical waste Liquid waste Biodegradable materials Waste that remains in the environment for long periods □nd resists degradation Hazardous waste Mining waste Gaseous waste inorganic waste I Non-persistent waste Toxic, corrosive, flammable, or reactive, posing significant health and environmental risks No n-b Jo deg ra dab I e materials Waste that breaks down or decomposes relatively quickly in the environment LOCAL PRACTISES TRANSPORTATION Fastest-growing greenhouse gas emitter A One of the main contributors to the issue of high air pollution in the cities Third largest source of C02 emmisions Growing need to construct pavements in cities --> heating practises LOCAL PRACTISES HEATING PRACTISES Increasing paved surfaces --> worsening heat islands Water runoff carries pollutants into water bodies, harming water quality ^ WASTE MANAGEMENT poor management is significant source of GHG emissions approximately 3-5 % of total GHG emissions in cities poor management --> water contamination through runoff ■ CLIMATE CHANGE Cities = main contributors to climate change High concetration of people and activities --> major CLIMATE RISKS: consumers of energy and sources of GHG emissions • Rising sea levels • Extreme rainstorms more than one-half, up to two thirds of global energy . Heatwaves consumption approximately half to 80 % of global GHG emissions SOURCES • /13/24/3520 • • Urbanization and Its Impact on Environmental Sustainability A Comprehensive Review/link/64e756730acf2e2b520da91 b/download? tp=evljb250ZXh0lj p7lmZpcnN0UGFnZSI6lnB1 YmxpY2F0aW9uliwicGFnZSI6lnB1 YmxpY2F0aW9uln19 • • • https://www.mdpi.eom/2673-8392/2/2/78 • • • • • • • - environmental policy IMPACTS ON SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT PUBLIC HEALTH • Air pollution • Noise pollution • Factors of residental spaces • Heat islands • Some more: drinking water, solar radiation, extreme weather AIR POLLUTION • Particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (N02) and ozone (03) • Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases • European Environment Agency (EEA) reports - improvement Figu re 3.1 Div é I op m en r in E U-2S em i s si o ns, 2MC-201B (% of 2000 lei/el!)í (a) SON O,. N H,. PM,.. PM, NMVOCí, CO, CH. sud BC; (t>) As, Cd, Ni, Fb, Hgsnd BaP, AJsoshcwn for ccmparison i: Ihe E G D P íexpre »sed i n th ain-1 i nkerj vq] u mes 11010), ^ flf MOC levé I) indii (HorUM) 1ZD ' O H-■-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-■-1-1-1-1-1-1 2000 2001 2002 1003. 2004 2005 2036 2007 20DS 2009 2010 2011 2017 2013 2014 2D15 2016 2017 201B — BC —CŮ —NH, NMYOCs -HO. -PM,, PM, 50, —CH, '■' ÖDP B) Indii (HoT KDO) 140-1 12: 0 "4-1-1-1-1-p-1-1-1-1-1-1-r-1-1-1-1-1-1 2003 2001 TOW 2003 2WM 7005 TOW 7WT 7003 2005 2010 2011 20ri 2013 7014 2015 2016 2017 »11 mup— ca— Hi— r« Pb — w Note t h, tnktven jn total ♦imiiisnr Ik «< br in* inifiov*rnrn«ntdi fr*r*l on Cwr** (nanjt ^^Ct] itctori 17> *KCiuein( rn«* 'rem und oh. itndiiu chanjs «nd towtry (wow Sj, inurtri: !MlWWi, JOrtTX Euroita (T07»). Table 10.1 Premature deaths attributable to PM;5, N0; and O, exposure in41 European countries and the EU-28, 2018 AIR POLLUTION: PREMATURE DEATHS Country .. :i;it'll coo: P Annual mean ("1 Hu Premature deaths V) Annual mean (*) NO, Premature deathi c) c S0MO35 (') Prämature fäeat hs fL> Austria &S22 13 6 6100 17.7 790 6 731 420 Belgium n jvy 12.7 7 4Q0 20.4 1 200 1299 2 50 Bulgaria 7 0^0 21 12 500 10.0 1 100 3 70S 320 Croatia 4 T05 13 5 1C0 13.B M 6 342 250 Cyprus 1 216 14.5 620 23 5 210 6044 40 Czechia 10G1D 1S3 10 M0 1 j.j 300 6 946 500 Denmark S7£l 105 3100 9.e 10 2 866 150 Estonia 1 319 7 610 7.1 <1 2793 30 Finland ^ 513 59 1 7C0 <1 z JL.1 90 France 64 456 10.6 33100 1 5.3 :• aca 5 274 2 300 Germany E2 7D£ 123 ■13 1 dc 19.1 9200 5 674 x d Greste 10 741 18.3 11 boo 21.0 3 000 7 157 650 Hungary 9 778 18.3 13100 17.0 850 5 892 590 Ireland 4 830 7.8 1 3C0 110 50 2 556 60 Italy {jo 484 15.5 52 300 20.1 10 4M 6 490 3 000 Latvia 1 934 12.1 ■ ax 11.9 77j 2732 L 1 'ijjr1 .i J 80S 12.3 2 700 123 10 3 096 90 Luaembouri 602 10 2'C 20.2 r< ~l a 004 10 Malta H76 12.5 230 10.4 <. 1 5 490 10 Nether iiriii 17 1 B1 12 9 9C0 20.4 1 ow 3 620 410 Pgland 37 377 21.7 46 300 ISjG 1 950 5 095 1 500 Portugal 9 794 S.4 4 900 I5j* -:d 4 672 370 Romania 19 531 17.6 25 000 19.3 3 500 3683 730 Slovakia 5 443 18_2 J 300 mlb 40 6129 2 067 15JJ ■ nc '4.5 50 6494 100 5 pair A4 452 io.: 1&.4 ■:■ bCD 1 boo Sweden 10 Tin 6.1 3100 B.7 i 3465 240 United Kingdom 66 274 10 32 900 1HLS 6 000 2 307 1 000 Albania 2 870 21.6 5 000 14.7 190 5 601 180 An dorra 75 6.5 30 18.1 <1 6 593 <1 Be in j and Herzegovina 3 503 Z6.4 5100 13.9 5D 5Z1S 150 Iceland 348 4.7 eo 104 < 1 1 999 <1 Kosovo 1 799 282 4 000 170 90 3 922 80 Liechtenstein 38 8.6 20 10.5 «1 704S <1 Monaco 38 i:.-; 20 25.0 n 76B6 <1 Montenegro £22 20.5 640 15,0 10 5 630 North Macedonia 2 075 30.7 3 quo 19.0 130 3 533 :.g Norway 5 296 6.4 1 400 1 u 0 40 3123 50 San Marino 34 13.3 "C 14.4 <1 6 700 *1 Serbia 7 001 26.3 14 600 17.3 430 3500 2S0 Switzerland 8 464 9.S 3 500 17.6 270 7214 350 EU-Ja tota 5C7 5M 13_Z 373 DGO 17«* 5-4 DDC 4 970 19 40D All teuntries total 539 742 135 417 OCO 17.6 55 DM 4 96? 20 GOD Notes; (')The annual mean (in ug/mland (he 50M035 [in ug/rp '-days). expressed as population-weighted concentration, is obtained according to the methodobgy described by ETCWNI fZ02Odl and references therein and not only from monitoring stations. [El Total and EU-23 premature deaths are rounded to the nearest thousand {except (or □.. nearest hundred). The national totals arc rounded to the nearest hundred or ten. Table 2.1 Population exposure to environmental noise, based on areas covered by strategic noise maps in 2017, EEA-33 (Turkey not Included) Number of people exposed to Ld.n i 55 dB (million) Number of people exposed to Li-ht - 50 dB (million) Reported Estimated Reported Estimated Inside urban areas Road i0.6 81.7 33.8 57.5 Rail 7,9 10.7 6.0 S.1 Air 2.2 3,1 0.6 0.9 ndustry 03 O.S 0.2 0.4 Outside urban areas Road 21.a 31.1 14.2 21,1 Rail 10.4 10.3 8.7 9.0 Air o.s 1.1 0.4 0,4 NOISE EXPOSURE Notes: Based on data submitted up until 1 January 2019 for the 2017 END Submission of strategic noise mapping. Reported data refer to data submitted by countries and estimated data refer to data gap-filled because of incomplete reporting. Figure 2.1 Population exposure io environmental noise based on areas covered by strategic noise maps in 2017, EEA-33 (Turkey not included} Numb*f of people eju»J« to L„S S5dfl trtCL^i SO CB Imlllioo*) Irv-.....: ir I - 11- .....■. ll Ii II *■„ (dB) ■ Reported Estanaled Sources; EEA{2QI9t ZOIMIl L, _,(dS) ■ Reported) E limited Figure 3.1 Estimated percentage of people in the category 'Highly Annoyed (HA) by noise for air, road and rail traffic' according to the WHO environmental noise guidelines Road NOISE IMPACTS Children - reading impairment Adults - annoyed by noise, sleep disturbance About 48 000 new cases of ischaemic heart disease About 12 000 premature deaths Percentage HA 10Q i 65 70 75 80 Percentage HA 100 sc so 40 2C o -H.....)- 0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Curves by Miedema ant) Oudshoorn (2D01) Curves used in WHO (2018) Note: Dashed lines show the previous curves used by trie EU from Miedema and Oudshoarn (20O1) Source: Guski et al. (2017). Figure 3.2 Estimated percentage of people in the category 'Highly Sleep Disturbed (HSD) by noise for air, road and rail traffic' from the WHO environmental noise guidelines 0 40 45 50 55 60 Percentage HSD 100 Percentage HSD 100 - Road Percentage HSD 100 40 45 50 55 60 65 Curves used in WHO Europe (2009) Curves used in WHO (201S) Note: Da sh ed I i n es s h ow p revio u s cu rves from Night-Noise Guidelines for Europe (WHO Eu rope, 2009). Source: Basner and McGuire (2018). Table 3.5 Estimated number of people suffering from various health outcomes due to environmental noise in 2017, EEA-33 (Turkey not Included) High High sleep Ischaemic heart Prem a tu re Cognitive annoyance disturbance disease mortality (a) impairment in children Inside Road 12 525 000 3 242 400 29 500 7 600 urban areas Rail 1 694 700 795 500 3100 800 Air 848 300 168 500 700 200 9 500 Industry 87 200 23 400 200 50 Outside Road 4 625 500 1 201 000 10900 2 500 urban areas Rail 1 802 400 962 900 3 400 900 Air 285 400 82 900 2C0 50 2 900 Total H 21 868 500 6476S00 48 000 12100 12400 Notes: {") Refers to mortality due to Ischaemic heart disease. (L) There may be double counting for annoyance and sleep disturbance because of the combined effects of multiple sources. It is estimated to be no more than 13 % for annoyance and 16 % for sleep disturbance. Double counting for ischaemic heart disease and mortality is estimated to be negligible (ETC/ACM, 2018) FACTORS OF RESIDENTIAL SPACES Rezidental air contaminations • Factors • Sick building syndrome Lightening (artificial) • Biological factors -hypothalamus, melatonin • Intensity, color, type Radon • = heaviest naturally occurring chemical element in the noble gas group Noise and vibrations • Vibration sources located in buildings can be divided into three groups Legenda: A - strojovna výtahu B - dílna C - nákladní automobil • Families with young children HEAT ISLANDS • • Workers • Drivers. HEAT ISLANDS Serious health consequences of heat include: • Heatstroke caused by overheating of the body • Sunburn caused by direct sunlight • Overheating causing dehydration, heat exhaustion and fainting • Breathing difficulties, heat cramps • Circulatory and cerebral accidents such k as heat exhaustion or heat collapse ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION • Air pollution • Noise pollution • Heat islands • Outcomes AIR POLLUTION • Ozone • Eutrophication • Acidification • Nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide • Toxic metals Map 11.1 Rural background concentration of the 03 indicator AOT40 for vegetation and crops, 2018 Source: ETC/ATNI <2020d). Figure 5.1 Mechanisms involved in the impact of anthropogenic noise on wildlife SENSORY PERCEPTION Detection of sound stimuli Inhibition of sound perception masking COGNITIVE PROCESSES I Interpretation of sound information Experience NOISE POLLUTION PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE Increased stress Hearing da mage/ loss Decreased immune response IMPACT ON FITNESS Survival rate Reproductive success BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSE Temporal activity patterns and sleep Modified space use and movement Foraging or provisioning efficiency Vocal behaviour Mating Vigilance behaviour and and territory antipredator defense behaviour Jl I- ,,,mj„„ Occupancy Population Abundance \_ 1 ____ rate structure Species composition Predator-prey interactions Note: Masking effect: when the noise is close, it reduces an individua Is ability to hear the sounds of others. Source: Adapted from Francis and Barber (2013). Table 5,1 NOISE POLLUTION Effects on terrestrial and marine wildlife due to general background, transport and industrial noise Quietness suitability index Underwater noise Quiet areas Map 5.2 Estimated distribution of continuous underwater noise, using shipping traffic density in 2017 Monthly average shipping tlí ní I ty based an Automatic Identification System (AlEj Notes: MS based vessel density dataset used as a proxy for continuous anthropogenic noise. The index is based on the Log transformed monthly average shipping density per 10 * 10 km grid. It is calculated with the number of hours pej- month that ships spent in each kilometre square. Sources: EMODnet (2019) and ETC/ICM {2019J. _ Physiological response Behavioural response Im pace on fitness Terrestrial Birds Changes in singing and communication behaviour Changes in spatial distributions and movements Reduced breeding Effects on physiological development Increased stress levels Reduced reproductive success ■ Decline in species diversity Changes in distribution and abundance. Changes in community species Mammals Changes in vocal and communication behaviour Reduced foraging. Increased stress levels Reduced reproductive success Reptiles and amphibians Changes in vocal and communication behaviour Difficulties in locating mates Invertebrates Changes in mate attraction behaviour Marine Fish Changes in spatial distributions and movements Changes in territorial and social behaviour Reduction in detection of communication signals Increased stress hormones Temporary hearing loss and damage to ears Reduction in local abundance and catch rate Mammals Changes in vocal and communication behaviour Changes in timespentfeedingand milling Loss of communication space Changes in spatial distributions and movements Increased stress hormones Shift in hearing thresholds Invertebrates Increase in larvae settlement Disrupdon of foragingand anU-predator behaviour Damage to sensory systems Development delay and body modifications Consequences for population and communities Sources: Adapt-ed from Francis And Barber (2013> and Sri-snnon et al. {2016). TheNature Conservancy Washington HEAT ISLANDS • Dryness o Not retaining enough water o Evaporation of water • Bad air circulation • Surroundings I feat is reflected gifofbuildings and paved surfaces where there is little vegetation HOT Vegetated areas around cities stay cooler Urban trees provide shade which cools local i zed areas Cooler cities 1 )ecreased deaths from heat heat i preventing pavement and concrete from heating up, and a!s< Trees can cool neighborhoods by up to 4 degrees Fahrenheit. OUTCOMES Loss of natural habitats and degradation • Temperature stress • Vegetation changes Spread of invasive species • Migration (change of climate, resource stress) Altered Behaviour and Phenology • Migration patterns • Reproductive Cycles Limited resources for wildlife • Water stress • Food stress ECONOMIC COSTS • Direct economic costs o Disaster recovery • Productivity losses o Productivity of workers o Disruptions to supply chain • Rising energy and resource costs o Higher energy demand o Water management costs • Costs to urban businesses and markets o Property devaluation o Insurance o Tourism losses • Indirect economic costs o Public health expenses o Migration and housing needs SOURCES https://hyg.lf1 https://link.springer.eom/article/10.1007/s40572-021 -00313-9 strategies/ POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS PARTICIPATIVE ACTIVITY 1 A VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES OF THE FUTURE What do you think a sustainable city of the future should looks like? What should it contains? What would make you feel good there? PARTICIPATIVE ACTIVITY 2 1. choose one example of a possible solution 2. find a discussion partner and lightly present your chosen example to each other 3. take it back and find another one to introduce to the other partner again EXAMPLES IN CR The surface urban heat islands in the city of Brno May 24, 2001, mean air temperature, 17.6 °C; minimum, 8.4 °C; maximum, 23.3 °C June 15, 2006, mean air temperature, 20.6 °C; minimum, 10.6 °C; maximum, 25.9 °C flowchart summarizing basic steps of LST derivation from infrared imagery TM (ETM+) thermal bands Land Cover Map Top-of- Emlssivfty atmoshere of indlviudual radiance classes V Black body surface radiance 5 Land Surface Temperature (LST) Residential areas Industry and transport areas C, 'y f).; t>! .!■.! rc : ;.-ir^:i;jl -i-eius! Arable land and grasslands Forests and orchards 6 - Water bodies 3 0 3 residential 20% industrial 14% arable land, grasslands 34% forests 29% parks and water bodies 1 % 3 - inuuiLiidi Luiiipiej 1 - Brno showground 2 - Railway marshalling yard 5 Old factory (Zbrojovka) Fig. 4 2001 — fflWI Q sid, deviation X min - max E H F r i i_ t J r 1 1 V T 1 ? 3 4 5 6 Category Box plots of LST values for individual land cover classes 12 3 4 6 Category Fig. 5 2001 mean 2006 [U sld. deviation 1 T t. j R X ľ ^ -■ Urban Rural Urban Rural Intensity of surface UHl in Brno region defined as the difference between u rban and rural areas Spatial distribution of LST in the center of Brno. Black lines mark surround with LST higher than for ^analyzed scenes the mean + 2 SD. Individual numbers indicate the positions of selected "hot spots" with character of land cover as presented on the accompanying aerial photographs CONCLUSIONS • Surface UHI intensity reaches 4.2 °C for 2001 and 6.7 °C for 2006 • Arable land exhibits high variability, with very high maximum surface temperatures comparable to those of industrial areas, especially for the 2006 image (fields with low percentages of vegetation cover) • Positive feedback loop • Vegetation cover explains the majority of LST-variability Realisation of flood protection measures for the city of Prague • Reaction to 1997 and 2002 (Q500) floods LINK • Damage of 1 billion euro/24 billion czk Grey measures (engineering infrastructure): • Fixed barriers (levees, dykes, earth mounds, solid concrete walls) constructed along the Vltava River. For instance, closure at Certovka (Old Town), which is a steel sliding door, 23.5 m length, 4.9 meters height, and weighting 45 tonnes • Mobile barriers (workers regularly trained, yearly testing) • Other measures, as closures, pumping systems and safety valves in the canalisation network along the Vltava River Fixed barriers Mobile barriers nah* It before measures 57.5 km2 was threatened by floods 52.5 km2 became protected i ■.'!■■■ 4 Green and blue measures: • revitalization of smaller streams in the city • slow down the runoff and reduce the man-made modifications of riverbeds • enhancing landscape permeability • part of the Prague Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (2020) The estimated total cost amounts to 145.94 Million EUR (2013) Total net avoided damage costs are (in Million EUR) between 168 (Q20) and 2,003 (Q500) Grey (80 year lifespan), green indefinite Proved themselves during 2013 floods Limiting factors: • property rights • protection of cultural and historical heritage, which led to for example using different materials for the measures in the city center (stone over stainless steel, visual side also important) • conflicting views Responsibility? • Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment for green measures • Stakeholders for city adaptation measures: Prague City Hall, Vltava River Basin (company), affected Prague districts, political representatives, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute + other companies Transportation in Brno BRNO IS A CITY EASY TO LIVE IN (EVEN WITHOUT A CAR) MODAL SPLIT BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE MODES OF TRANSPORT (PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, CYCLING AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1 I ncrease the- share of public transport, cycli ng and pedestrian traffic in the modal split ■ I ncrease the integration of sustainable modes □f transport (share of multimodal routes) and accelerate public transportation (travel speed on reference )ourneys taken by public transportation higher by ~\ 5% in 2D30) 1 I ncrease the-number of households not in possession of a car (by 20% by the year 2050) UN I CATION OF THE CITY AND OF PUBLIC SPACES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ■ Notto increasethecapacityof the road communication network far individual motor car traffic in the central part inside the city after completion of the construction of the protective transport system (maintaining of the total number of parking places inthebroadercent-re of the city/ on the level of the actual need) ■ Increase accessibility and attractiveness of sustainable modes of transport in the city and its hinterland (for example suburban railways), (the share of suburban railways on reference journeys will grow by 20% by the year 2030 to the detriment of individual motor car traffic) ■ Increacethenumberand quality of public spaces (increase in the percentage of inhabitants of the city satisfied with public spaces by 30% by the year 2030} In 2050, Brno ranks first in the chart rating the quality of life in cities. 480 thousand satisfied citizens live in there; they are not forced to leave the city for clean air even on their days off. Brno is a city where it is easy to live without a car. It is a city of short trips with interconnected and consistent modes of transport. Mobility is the main political issue as a foundation stone of the quality of life in the city, and for 35 years already, the city residents have been actively involved in the topic of urban mobility with creative suggestions. Being a senior or handicapped in Brno does not mean any limitation of travel habits. In the long term, the city has ORGANISATION AND CONTROL OF TRAFFIC AND OF THE DEMAND FORTRANSPORT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES * Combine traffic and spatial planning, implement principles of integrated traffic planning including strengthening of the importance of telematic systems * Implement comprehensive plannin-gof the transport of employees and visitors to big enterprises and institutions, including projects generating traffic (for example plans of mobility for shopping centres, compulsory corporate plans of mobility for organisations with more than 100 employees by the year 2020. and with mo re than SD employees by the year 2D25) * Implementing education,training,raising awareness in the area of urban mobility and information of traffic participants been making the transport system more efficient in a conceptual and coordinated manner. The ease, possibility and speed of travel are the main objectives of transport planning. At the same time, the city is capable, on the basis of a broad data basis, to respond flexibly in the area of mobility lo trends not only in transport but also in demography, economy and migration of population. PROTECTION OF INHABITANTS AGAINST NEGATIVE IMPACTS OFTRAFFIC, HIGH ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF TRAFFIC STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES * Reduce the numberof trafficaccidents (fulfil national objectives, for example reduction of the number of victims of traffic accidents to one half compared to the year 2D15 by the year 2025) * Reduce the numberof in habitants suffering from aboye-the-limit noise from traffic (by the year 2025, less than 5% of the population of the city should suffer from above-limit noise from traffic) *■ Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce the energy consumption of transport per passenger (a fourfold reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 compared to the year 2D10Jor: 1 tonne equivalent of COi per person peryearby the year 2050): decrease in total energy consumption in transport per passenger by 20% by the year2050) ■ Ensure reliability of the transport system in case of emergency situations *■ Minimise the negative impacts of city logistics Cars and motor vehicles =Jrs mplor vn-hitlos 30D 000 2 SO MO 20D oca ISO 000 100 000 sooco The number of passenger cars in Brno is constantly increasing. The decrease in 2013 was due to the introduction of a new vehicle register, which led to an administrative decrease (change and refinement of the methodology). In the following years, however, the number of passenger cars slowly increased. This increase has been particularly noticeable in recent years, as Brno's roads have reached the limits of their capacity. 2D10 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2016 201? 2018 201» ZOZD ZD21 iQ2Z 2021 Vehicles per 1000 residents 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 Amount of cars per 1 000 residents Amount of motor vehicles per 1 000 residents oq ^ ^ ^ v> ^ ^ \° ^ ^ \1 i° ^ ^ n? ^ ^ Traffic accidents 8 000 Accidents A Victims 40 6 000 ♦r 4 000 — 2 000 0 30 ^^^^^^^^V ^^^^^^^^^ QJ Download data Passengers carried by public transport O IDSJMK 0 there of Brno 900 800 700 600 500 E 400 Q] Download data Source: KORDIS JMK, a.s. Sources DATA. BRN O, 2024. Doprava [online] [vid. 2024-11-20]. Dostupné z: DOBROVOLNÝ, Petr, 2013. The surface urban heat island in the city of Brno (Czech Republic) derived from land surface temperatures and selected reasons for its spatial variability. Theoretical and Applied Climatology [online]. 112(1), 89-98. ISSN 1434-4483. Dostupné z: doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0717-8 LORENCOVÁ KRKOŠKA, Eliška a Jaromír KAČER, 2023. Realisation of flood protection measures for the city of Prague [online] [vid. 2024-11 -20]. Dostupné z: