Hungary and politics Michal Pink Hungary Hungary before 1918 779px-Kingdom_of_Hungary_counties_svg Hungarian poliical parties 1866 - 1918 •Függetlenségi és 48-as Párt – Party of Independence 48 (Liberalism) •Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt – Social democracy •Katolikus Néppárt – Catholic People´s Party •Országos Alkotmánypárt – National Constitution Party (1867 – liberal) •Nemzeti Munkapárt - National Party of Work (Classical liberalism) •Polgári Radikális Párt - Radical Civic Party (Radicalism) •48-as Alkotmánypárt – 1848 Constitution Party (Liberalism) • Trianon historical injustice Hungary 1918 – 1920 and 1921 - 1940 •First Hungarian Republic 1918 – 1920 •MKP – Hungarian Communist Party •Béla Kun – Far left republic up to the Soviet model, „Red represions“ •The end of the régime - external military act •Kingdom of Hungary – Kingdom without king •Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya – head of the Hungary 1920 – 1944 •Head of the Habsburg NAVY during the WWI 1914 – 1918, soldier •National conservative leader, „Red represions cover by whitte represion“ •March 1920 – restauration, but without House of Habsburg •Double restauration of Habsburg throne – without any positive reaction •Hungary and cooperation with Italy, Germany – active participation 1938/39 Hungary and WW II Hungary 1940 - 1944/45 •1939 – 1940, step by step enlargement of borders •Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, „detrianonisation“ •No military operation, foreign policy and cooperation with Germany •April 1941 Hungary member of Axis Power (Berlin – Rome) •1942, secret diplomatic negotiation with UK •Since 1944 represions of nondemocratic regime step by step in every day life •Until the 1944 – antisemitic laws, but better situation than in other countries •1944 – Germany occupy Hungary, Romania joined the Allies in August •Férenc Szálási 1944, replacement of Horthy, Arrow Cross Party leader •Horthy home isolation in Germany until the end of WWII. 1945 – 1956 •Establishment of nondemocratic regime •Cooperation with Soviet army and Soviet advisors •Független Kisgazda Párt (Party of Independent farmers) 1945 winner •displacement of the German speaking population •No industrialisation – less workers, Hungary – rural, agrarian country •Step by step – instalation of totalitarian system up to the Soviet model •Magyar Dolgozók Pártja (Hungarian workres party 1947) •1949 – Constitution up to the Soviet model 1936 •Hungarian peoples republic – violent represion aprox. 2000 victims (45 – 49) •Nationalisation - Agricultural cooperatives •State borders again according to Trianon 1956: 23.10. – 10.11. •Uprising, neutrality, exit of Warsaw pact and eastern block •nationwide resistence against the Stalinist dictatorship and Soviet control •Key name – Imre Nagy, prime minister of Hungary during two weeks •First, the Soviet army withdrew from the capital city and waited/Suez •October 31 the USSR decision – stop the revolution by military operation •November 4th – the offensive against the capital began •Six days of street war 5.500 victims •November 7th – János Kádar came to Budapest •Pro-Moscow revolutionary worker-peasant government •Imre Nagy was executed, "as a lesson to all other leaders • in socialist countries" • Gulyáskommunizmus – 1962 – 1989 •Cadarism – a mix of different values and attitudes •The least repressive regime in Eastern Europe •Semi-freedom in private life, church, teaching AJ and NJ is not a problem •Limited free market - agricultural crops from own garden •Increasing living standards, numbers of cars, refrigerators, color TV 1989 – fall of comunnism 1989 – fall of comunnism •16.6. 1989 – funeral ceremony of Imre Nagy, •Victor Orbán speech •Pan-European picnic – 19.8. 1989 •Opening the border for three hours - the end of the Iron Curtain •About 600 citizens of the GDR escape to the west •Negotiated transition - absence of a key turning point •No victims – other case Romania and neighboring Yugoslavia •March/April 1990 – first competitive election •During the fall 1989 negotiation – how to transform the regime •Constitution 23.10.1989 includes new rules of political power (symbolic day) •Role of MDF – Hungarian democratic forum Hungarian Left •Transformation of Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt (nodemocratic party) •Magyar Szocialista Párt – Hungarian Socialist party •Government role 1994 – 1998, 2002 – 2010 •EU cooperation, redistribution, less post - Trianon claims •No other European country has done something as stupid as us", "We obviously lied in the last year and a half or two years", "Hungary managed to stay afloat only thanks to divine providence, a lot of money in the world economy and hundreds of scams. •Ferenc Gyurcsány 2006 Hungarian right I. - Fidesz •1988 – Union of Young Democrats, max. 35 years •Opposition to the Communist Youth Organization •Governmental roles: 1998 – 2002 and since 2010 •Viktor Orbán first an only one chairman of the party since 1993 •1993 - spirit of liberal politics, but lost elections of 1994, 7.02% •1994 – 1998 transition from liberalism to a national-conservative position •1999 NATO and 2004 EU, 2001 - the Land Act, which gives Hungarians living outside the territory the same rights as citizens of the Republic of Hungary Hungarian center/left? •Momentum – 2017, Budapest Olympics – referendum •LGBT support, decriminalization of cannabis, abortion rights etc. •Aim of the party: Hungary – let´s plan together by common goals •Green I. – Dialog for Hungary, cooperation with Socialist – local level •Green II. – Politics can be different, internal conflicts •Democratic coalition – center left project of exprime minister FD • Hungarian right II. •Hungarian Justice and Life Party - István Csurka 1993 (MIÉP) •Jobbik – 2009 EP election •„Hungary belongs to the Hungarians“ – against the Constituion •Hungarian Guard Movement – own paramilitary organisation •No longer existence •Our Homeland Movement - Mi Hazánk Mozgalom, MHM •László Toroczkai - László Tóth, change the name Tóth/Slovac •Sixty-Four Counties Youth Movement • Conclusion •The radicalization process of political environment •Fidesz takes over the role of the moderate far/extreme right •The government gives space to the extreme right in the media •2015 – „normalisation“ of Jobbik •MHM – old trandition Hungarian interest •Social, liberal center left parties exist, but very fragmented and in minory •