118LSF-H21 Nov 2024 09:34
V"9Cr>MQ30ionon_1_1s_age_001on_1_1s_studyionon_1_1s_worktionon_1_1s_educationon_1_1_genderction_1_1_satisfaction_1_1satisfaction_2_1satisfaction_3_1s_study_comerce_1s_work_comeerce_1s_hoursareerce_1s_field1areerce_1s_field2areerce_1s_stablecareerce_1s_motivation_1ce_1s_motivation_2ce_1s_motivation_3ce_1s_workmodealance_1s_worklifebalance_1s_personallifece1_1s_activitieslace1_1s_switchofflace1_1s_generationlace1_1s_separatekplace1_1s_valuesorkplace1_1s_ideal_workplace1_1s_ideal_workplace1_2s_ideal_workplace1_3s_ideal_workplace1_4s_ideal_workplace1_5s_ideal_workplace1_6s_communicate_1e2_1s_communicate_2e2_1s_communicate_3e2_1s_globalorkplace2_1s_ideal_workplace2_1s_ideal_workplace2_2s_ideal_workplace2_3_ideal_workplace2_4_ideal_workplace2_5_ideal_workplace2_6ideal_workplace2_7workstudy1workstudy2 ie\tt1\tlte\pnpwnosx4lbopm.l%40.0f%10.0g%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.2f%40.2f%40.2f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%40.0f%20.0g%20.0glabels2abels3labels3labels4labels5labels6abels7abels71abels71labels71labels81labels91labels101labels111labels121labels131labels141labels151labels161labels171labels181labels191labels201labels211labels221labels231labels241labels251labels261labels271labels281labels291labels301labels311labels321labels331labels341labels351labels361labels371labels381labels39labels40workstudy1workstudy2Dear respondents, We kindly ask you to take part in our survey focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAWhat is your age? Please, enter a number in years.in our survey focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAAre you currently enrolled in school (of any educational level)?focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAWhat is your current work arrangement?f any educational level)?focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAWhat is the highest level of education you have completed?vel)?focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAWhat is your gender?evel of education you have completed?vel)?focusing on peoX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAOn a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of yourX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAOn a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of yourX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAOn a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of yourX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗADo you find it difficult to make time for your relationships due to your study cX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗADo you find it difficult to make time for your relationships due to your work coX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow many hours per week do you work on average?elationships due to your work coX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow connected is your work with the field of your study?ips due to your work coX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow familiar are you with the work opportunities in your field of study?work coX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow concerned are you with achieving a stable future career?d of study?work coX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow much do you agree with the following statements? - I work to earn money to pX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow much do you agree with the following statements? - I work for the experienceX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow much do you agree with the following statements? - I don’t need to work toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAWhat is your current work mode?ollowing statements? - I don’t need to work toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow satisfied are you with your current work-life balance?n’t need to work toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow often do you feel that your work interferes with your personal life?work toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow often do you have enough time for personal activities outside of work?rk toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow easy is it for you to switch off from work during non-working hours??rk toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗABased on your year of birth, which generation do you belong to?g hours??rk toX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important is it for you to separate professional work life and personal lifeX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗATo what extent does your personal life arrangement affect your preference of worX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - Salaryference of worX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - Welfare benefits worX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - Stabilitynefits worX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - Career developmentorX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - NetworkevelopmentorX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these factors in your ideal workplace? - CompetitionopmentorX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow concerned are you about job security due to global economic conditions (inflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - Culture diversityinflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - Order and structureflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - Gender balancetureflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - SustainabilitytureflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - Sense of belongingflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - Privacy belongingflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAHow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - FlexibilityongingflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - FlexibilityongingflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAow important are these values in your ideal workplace? - FlexibilityongingflX ǗA-;#AϘAX X R>BW`ݙc=>B>B`=C-lzEX ǗAage_=@@*@Q@destring_cmdɇAA zE$A@hA~hAdestring age_,replaceage_=@@*@Q@destringaOCɇAA zE$A@hA~hACharacters removed were:global=@@*@Q@spss_variable_label frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iHow concerned are you about job security due to global economic conditions (inflation, recession, pandemic, climate change, etc.)?communicate_3@*@Q@spss_variable_label frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers in the following settings? - In informal non-work settingscommunicate_2@*@Q@spss_variable_label frequently should people communicate with their coworkers iIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers in the following settings? - In informal work settingscommunicate_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelese factors in your ideal workplace? - CompetitionopmentorIn your opinion, how frequently should people communicate with their coworkers in the following settings? - In formal work settingsavaluescate_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelfor you to separate professional work life and personal lifeTo what extent does your personal life arrangement affect your preference of workplace values?Tseparatete_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelf birth, which generation do you belong to?g hours?Mk toHow important is it for you to separate professional work life and personal life?motivation_3@*@Q@spss_variable_labele with the following statements? - I work for the experience zE?2 How much do you agree with the following statements? - I don’t need to work to uphold my education or to save for the future, I solely work for extra money.motivation_2@*@Q@spss_variable_labele with the following statements? - I work to earn money to p zE?2 How much do you agree with the following statements? - I work for the experience it gives me for future career opportunities (e.g. for resume or references).xmotivation_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelu with achieving a stable future career?d of study?work co zE?2 How much do you agree with the following statements? - I work to earn money to pay for my time in tertiary education.]work_comn_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelcult to make time for your relationships due to your study c zE?2 Do you find it difficult to make time for your relationships due to your work commitments?^study_com_1@*@Q@spss_variable_label 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your zE?2 Do you find it difficult to make time for your relationships due to your study commitments?satisfaction_3@*@Q@spss_variable_label 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your zE?2 On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life? - The quality of your relationship with friendssatisfaction_2@*@Q@spss_variable_label 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your zE?2 On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life? - The quality of your relationship with familyhsatisfaction_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelevel of education you have completed?vel)?focusing on peo zE?2 On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life? - Life overallZQ30sfaction_1@*@Q@spss_variable_labelceu 0t y XQ/ zE?2 Dear respondents, We kindly ask you to take part in our survey focusing on people’s experiences with working and studying, life satisfaction, work-life balance, or ideal workplace environment. Filling out the questionnaire should take about 10 minutes. The survey was created by Masaryk University students enrolled in the course Quantitative Methodology in Action. The data collected by this questionnaire will be used by the students to create analyses and prepare a research paper. The information you provide will be used solely for this purpose and will be reported in aggregate form, ensuring that individual responses cannot be traced back to you. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. If you have any questions about the survey or your participation, write an e-mail to d.sladka@mail.muni.cz Thank you for your time and responses!eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@??eeeeeeeeeee@@ c??eeeeeeeeeee@@!??eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeeeeec@eeeeeeeeeeec@@c??eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeee@ ??eeeeee@ ?? ??eeeeeeeeeeecc@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@"eeeeee@"eeeeee@??eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeee@@??eeeeee@eeeeeeeeeee@@4??eeeeee@Keceeceeeeeeeeccc@Meceeceeeeeeeeccc@Neceeceeeeeeeeccee@ ??" c?? ??eeeeee@eeeeeeeeeee@@c??3c??eeeeee@eeeeeec@eeeeeeeeeeee@@ceeeeeeeee@@??eeeeeeeeeee@@5eeeeee@eeeeeeeeeee@@2 ??eeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@@eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?? c??ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@jworkstudy2lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX B"0studying and workingonly workingonly studyingno work, no study3workstudy1lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX studying and workingotherlabels401lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels391lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels381lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels371lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels361lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels351lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels341lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantelabels331lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX = cNot at allA littleA lotNot applicable / Prefer not to say_labels321lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX / "NeverRarelySometimesFrequentlyAll the time_labels311lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX / "NeverRarelySometimesFrequentlyAll the time_labels301lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX / "NeverRarelySometimesFrequentlyAll the timelabels291lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels281lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels271lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels261lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels251lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantlabels241lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX `(=LNot at all importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely importantklabels231lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX C  cNot at allModeratelyVery muchNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels221lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX \*9cNot at all importantModerately importantVery importantNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels211lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX Z*BHWGen Z (1999-2012)Zillennials (1993-1998)Millennials (1981-1992)OtherPrefer not to saylabels201lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX x"=KUcVery difficultSomewhat difficultNeither easy nor difficultSomewhat easyVery easyNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels191lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX _$5<cNeverSometimesAbout half the timeMost of the timeAlwaysNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels181lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX _$5<cNeverSometimesAbout half the timeMost of the timeAlwaysNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels171lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX (K^mcVery dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfiedNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels161lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX c @cFully remoteFully office-basedHybrid (both office and remote)Not applicable / Prefer not to saylabels151lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX ]$?N Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeStrongly agreelabels141lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX ]$?N Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeStrongly agreelabels131lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX ]$?N Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeStrongly agree{labels121lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX S"0cVery concernedSomewhat concernedNot concernedNot applicable / Prefer not to saylabels111lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX W&4cNot familiar at allSlightly familiarVery familiarNot applicable / Prefer not to say{labels101lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX S!0cNot connectedSomewhat connectedVery connectedNot applicable / Prefer not to sayolabels91lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX ? c1-1011-2021-3031 or moreNot applicable / Prefer not to say\labels81lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX 4 cNoSometimesYesNot applicable / Prefer not to say\labels71lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX 4 cNoSometimesYesNot applicable / Prefer not to say0labels61lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX  ManWomanOtherlabels51lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX v:pPrimary educationSecondary education (e.g., high school)Tertiary education (e.g., bachelor, master, doctoral)Otherilabels41lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX A"0;Employed (full-time or part-time)Self-employedUnemployedOtherlabels31lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX YesNo7labels21lzEX >BlzEX ǗAlzEX 'I consent to take part in this survey.