Monitoring and Evaluation of Social and Humanitarian Projects

Week 1 Introduction to the course and brief overview of the content.

Introductory lecture: we will review the semester plan (see the document in the Learning Materials folder) and plan activities during the semester. 

We will cover the questions: 

What is Monitoring and Evaluation in social and humanitarian projects? 

Who is a monitoring and evaluation specialist? 

What will our group work and facilitation of group work (discussions) during the training consist of? 

How will the training and assessment take place? 

This is an important reminder and clarification on the grading of your activities during the semester.

Ongoing grading: 

Attendance - 1 point (max. altogether 12 points per semester) 

Participation in in-class discussions and group activities - 4 points per class, max. 40 points per semester. 

The leadership of the in-class discussion (1 per semester) 10 points.

In-class group practice 8 points (Weeks 8, 10, or 12). 

Final assignment (exam) - 30 points. 

Grading scale

A - 90–100

B - 80–89

C - 70–79

D - 60–69

F - 0–59

The list of the weekly leadership discussions
Check your name where you are assigning to make the leadership of class discussion