Monitoring and Evaluation of Social and Humanitarian Projects

Week 3 Theory of Change: the overview and key points.

A theory of change describes the types of interventions (a single program or coordinated initiative) that bring about the outcomes depicted in the outcomes framework map. Each intervention is tied to an outcome in the causal framework, revealing the often complex web of activity required to bring about change. The framework provides a working model against which to test hypotheses and assumptions about what actions will best produce the outcomes in the model.

Taplin, D. H., & Clark, H. (2012). Theory of change basics: A primer on the theory of change. ActKnowledge.



Theory of Change, Monitoring, and Evaluation A toolkit for developing a culture of evaluation and learning.  

Materials for practice

Supplementary reading (for the preparation of the discussion with the audience). 

Please try to find some cases/examples of the theory of change application in the development/humanitarian projects. 

Consider the questions that could "provoke" the discussion on the possibility of implementing the theory-driven projects and implementing M&E. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

The Road to Results. Imas, Linda G. Morra; Rist, Ray G. Worldbank, 2009. pages 105 - 112., 141 - 150.